Ch.5b. Judging - Worship
This is the 2nd section of Chapter 5, Judging.
More about some of the P&C
Adulation and Worship; what are
these? (5B8)
Adulation and worship tend to be
close together when we give the adulated great importance in our lives.
Adulation is the next step along
from admiration and implies that the giver considers themself a great deal less
in comparison. It implies that I cannot or may not be able to be like that.
It’s a belittling, an abasement, and a downgrading of your own self and is bad
for you, ie, not useful in terms of your being able to find your own abilities
for yourself. Thus, you need to watch out.
This is not good for the
adulation giver, and a lot of people do this. Hence, a great many people are
giving what energy they do have to causes/reasons that have no concern for
them; they will get no energy back. My argument being that adulation of the BC
who is apparently superior has an ‘inferior’ sitting behind it; (you are
feeling ‘inferior’ yourself in comparison and thus will admire ‘superior’). The
level of adulation is reflecting the degree of distance between the adulated
and the adulator. So the question is ‘who is being inferior?’ because that is
an awful lot of people.
Worship. (5B8b)
When we worship something or
someone (a ’whatever’ of supposed authority) we are giving this ’whatever’
great importance in our lives. We pay attention.
We consider it ‘bigger’ than we
are (because we are ‘little’) and that it knows more than we do, both of which
we think gives it more control over life. So, we think it has the answers and
knows what to do about life, and it can fix our problems which will then go
away; and with even greater luck we will be ‘rescued’ completely from these
We also tend not to question this
'whatever', in case that might leave us out in the cold and stop us getting
‘rescued’. In general, children ‘worship’ their parents.
Thus we do what it tells us to
do, ie, we submit, and it is in this way that we put our trust and faith
in that ‘whatever’; it has become a ‘god’ to us. Think how much we worship
money. (Also we address the judge in a court of law as ‘your worship’.)
Well then, what’s wrong with these? (5B8c)
What’s wrong with letting this
‘whatever’ be bigger, more knowledgeable, and more in control than we are, and
then ‘fix’ us or even rescue us, is that these are the conditions of the child
expecting ‘the parent’ to look after them.
As you think and stay as a child
expecting others or ‘out there’ to look after you, you will feel powerless and
afraid, and unable to develop your own resources or direction for empowering
yourself, as in, ‘grow up’. Notice also that the more we are rescued, the less
we are able to find any power for ourselves.
Hence, the more we are afraid of
life, the more we will worship anything that we think might ‘rescue’ us.
We look to ‘experts’ in ‘whatever’ and in so doing, give up our own thinking,
observations and experiences in life, ie, our history, and we
negate/dismiss/disempower our own selves. Thus, we turn our heads off and do
not question ‘whatever’ and as we do that, we turn ourselves into ‘Chicken
Little’ (’the sky is falling’) and our fears are ruling us. And notice that the
more we are afraid, (and angry) the more we will do as we are told, but we
might not get rescued.
As long as we want to be rescued,
we are belittling ourselves and our own abilities.
On the other hand, we are here to
learn and be given direction, but from Life as our 'other', not just 'experts'.
Over various lifetimes we get
some solid lessons about not being ‘rescued’ by whatever we thought
could, would or should; sometimes it’s quite the opposite. This is a source of
some of our major complaints about life.
The warning signs here are how
much P&C in whatever form expects you to be the grateful, obedient, and
unquestioning child in the face of their ‘caring’, ‘nobility’ or ‘expertise’,
(BC words) and gets quite shitty if you don’t. P&C doesn’t like ‘uppity’
The words ‘there is no other way’
from someone with authority can also be a useful warning sign here. There is
always another way, although they all have consequences.
The worship of money and
technology. (5B9)
In our society a primary example
of ‘whatevers’ of authority would be money and P&C, with
management/science/medicine/technology a close second. These things ‘count’
with us and we respect them, and allow their proponents to teach us and
influence us, and we think that it will solve all our problems, as in, ‘fix’
Think about how much we pay
attention to and expect (trust and have faith) that money, power, medicine,
science, or technology will fix all our current problems whether personal or
social. We turn our heads off and accept all this ‘expertise’ without
questioning it at all, regardless of our own observations or experiences.
In this way, we are in fact
making these things into our gods, and in doing so we ignore and disrespect human
beings, Life and God; we are not paying attention to them at all. Notice also
that these ‘gods’/things are all man-made, and even more interestingly, there
is no living energy in any of them.
Putting money before people gets
us into terrible trouble trying to work out the worth or value of people
(judgement - again). While most ‘developed’ countries continue to espouse
concepts of people as valuable, our current social systems are devaluing,
devoicing and marginalizing minorities more each day, by labeling them crazy,
lazy or stupid; ie, what societies say and what they/we do become even further
The Greek Gods. (5B9a)
Notice how much society's
'beautiful' people resemble the pantheon of the Greek gods. And notice how much
they consider themselves immortal and all powerful, while behaving 'no better
than they ought to be' as my Nana used to say. Notice also how little they contribute
to ordinary mortals; they are much more likely to want to keep it all to
themselves; various forms of nasty punishment for those who didn't toe the line
eg, Prometheus giving fire to humans. You won't get any help from them. And
notice how our politicians wish to join the 'heavenly
pantheon' of the worshipped' too; so, there you go.
The First Commandment? (5B10)
But we have the biblical
instruction of ‘”Thou shalt worship no other gods before me”.
So, what’s this one about?
There are 2 warnings here.
Worship only God, and don’t worship anything else.
So, don’t make gods of anything
or anyone else, eg, people, planets, graven images etc., etc., not to mention
P&C/money/technology; it’s bad for it/them and bad for you.
But also be careful not just of
what you worship, but what ‘worship’ means for you.
But aren’t we supposed to worship
God and abase ourselves because we are naturally dreadful sinners (but we don’t
know how) and we must placate him otherwise we won’t be ‘saved’? (This is ‘God’
as ‘Father’ as P&C here.)
This is where worship and
adulation become mixed up in terms of if we are worshipping ‘whatever’ then
adulation on our part is required, because the gap between the adulator and
adulated is so great. This is what we are taught by religions as part of
‘worshipping’ God as a primary necessity for life and avoiding ‘punishment’.
But this is happening because we can only conceive of God as P&C, as
in, Worship Him because He has control over you, and you are a small nothing.
But also, you would like to be rescued from life, and thus able to remain as a
But, God is actually warning us
that worshipping ‘whatevers’ of anything other than Herself and Life (GLS =
your InSelf) is not useful for you; (She does actually know what She is
talking about, and She knows perfectly well how our minds work; hence the
warning). However, She is not the slightest bit interested in our adulation.
She doesn’t need or want it, and it’s not good for us to think this way.
‘Dreadful sinners’ implies that
we are faulty or mis-cast or hopeless as we are, but this point of view implies
that we are not of God and never can be, unless God decides to want us.
Such an attitude/teaching leaves us as disempowered, hapless suppliants
placating forever and wanting to be ‘rescued’ - very P&C.
Life is always going to be bigger
than any single human being, but it’s kind of an insult to God to think that
She makes ‘broken’ anythings. Does She need to forgive Herself? Human beings
are meant to be human beings and perfectly powerful for themselves. Life on
Earth is for them to find out how to do it consciously. God does not consider
us nothings; this is non-sense. Do you consider what you truly create
from the heart, nothing? Imagine how much thinking would be required to dream
up the amazingness of the human being.
There is no huge gap between you
and God; you are part of God, or you wouldn’t be wanting to be like God.
But it is still useful to ‘worship’ Her. She is still a ‘parent’ in terms of
‘bigger’ and ‘wiser’, but you are not supposed to remain as a child, or you
will just stay angry/afraid. Your part is to find your own powers for your-self
and come into partnership with Her.
So then, what would this sort of
‘worship’ be?
Well, worship without adulation
would be a start, and choosing to worship things of God, namely with a living
energy, would be another indicator. Add to this that if you are ‘worshipping’
whatever correctly, you will submit to what it tells you; you are allowing that
whatever to give you information about life. However, ‘submit’ has too many
connotations of P&C sitting in there. But another word that could be used
would be ‘understanding’ which is actually a ‘submit’ word, as in, ‘standing
Thus, a useful answer could be
“Worship what is Loved and Lives”, which includes all of God’s Creations
because She Loves them; they’re Her creations; (you don’t have to love
them; think of how many ‘weeds’ are really useful medicinal herbs, but you
might like being healed, and it is very useful to you to understand them). Thus
you will be submitting to God, Life, and your Self and increasing your
understanding of Life. This kind of ‘worship’ would include awareness of what
you are putting your faith and trust in.
So, if the instruction were to be
to “Understand your InSelf (= GLS)” how would you do that? Well, for example,
you could learn about looking after your body (= GLS) properly as well as you
can for your own sake (see Sacred). Also, using natural/living remedies to help
yourself is a far more useful version of ‘worship’ for both your self/body and
[Incidentally, what God has
tried to warn us about are the consequences of how we use or give our energy,
or where our attention goes, or how energy works, (ML) but since we can’t even
begin to conceive that God gets to fit in with these Herself, we can’t hear the
God has discovered things about
the properties of Energy that She finds amazing, extremely interesting,
endlessly fascinating, absorbing and fun. She wants us to have that fun as well
because it’s more fun for her. [Energy is our universal ‘ground’ or ‘matrix’ or
our ‘background’ or the water we swim in; ‘the fish doesn’t know the water’.]
There is a ‘bow down and
worship and rejoice in God’ bit, but that is about Her having worked out how
everyone can join in this mighty business of Explore Energy and Express Self
and Create Life. It is a whopping win-win situation and in fact, very
clever and probably took a fair old while to work out.]
The idea then is to be careful
where your energy comes from and where it goes to.
An antidote to adulation could be
‘I appreciate your abilities; now I wish to get back to developing my own’.
Debasing/belittling yourself is a waste of everyone’s time; yours in particular;
so, don’t.
The 10 Commandments. (5B11)
We are taught the 10
‘commandments’ as ‘Thou shalt not do ‘xyz’’ which we interpret as we ‘must’
not, hence these are commands to us.
But if we interpret the ‘thou
shalt not do’ as ‘in future, you won’t be interested in doing this…’xyz’’ or
‘you won’t want to do…’xyz’’, we could consider these ‘commands’ as ‘signposts’
that we are heading in the right direction for ourselves. ‘Right direction’ or
‘right living’ is here defined as living correctly for yourself and in
increasing alignment and relationship with your ‘Higher Self’ or GLS or InSelf.
Thus, ‘thou shalt worship no
other gods before me’ becomes, ‘as you come into alignment with GLS you won’t
be interested in worshipping anything other than God or Life’.
In this way, the 1st commandment
of ‘worshipping no other gods before me’ becomes the signpost of ‘you won’t be
expecting to be fixed or ‘rescued from life’ by ‘out there’ if the ‘whatever’
has no life energy of itself and/or is man-made’. Instead, you will have a good
idea of how to carry out your own ‘fixing’ for yourself, and/or not need
‘fixing or rescuing’ in the first place.
Another way of saying this is
that you are increasingly able to provide your own energy for yourself and
won’t need it from ‘out there’, as in, you are growing up and becoming more
adult and less frightened of life.
Thus, if you are actually
wishing/wanting to do anything that the 10 commandments say ‘don’t’, then it’s
an indicator that you are out of alignment/kilter with GLS.
Trying to find P&C because
we’re afraid we don’t have it.
One of the ways we try to do this
is through ‘believe-ins’, as in, ‘believe it and you’ll see it’.
‘Believe-ins’ as a form of
control. (5B12)
There is a difference between a
‘belief’ and a ‘knowing’ but we get them a bit mixed up at times.
We have beliefs internally, of
which we may or may not be aware, that are reflected back to us by Life so that
we can work out what we are thinking at the unconscious. These beliefs are
often decisions we made about life in previous lives, which are reinforced by
our circumstances in this life. The thing is that these ‘beliefs’ feel like
‘knowings’ entirely because ‘out there’ is reflecting them back to us, so they
seem ‘true’. We’re ‘seeing’ it out there, so it must be true.
There are also ‘beliefs’ from out
there that we may wish could be true for us. This pertains to religious and New
Age thinking such as ‘believe it and you will see it’, or ‘if you are
‘good/spiritual enough’ nothing bad will happen to you’. (Watch the opera
‘Tosca’ to see this one not working.)
This is very similar to ‘If you
believe ‘hard enough’ in God, nothing ‘bad’ will happen to you’, or ‘If you
believe ‘hard enough’ in whatever, it will become true’, etc, etc. With all ‘failures’
here meaning that you weren’t ‘believing’ sufficiently. (An insurance scheme
with insufficient payments?)
We also keep forgetting another
saying that goes ‘if wishes were horses, beggars would ride’.
Such ‘believe-ins’ are advocated
as a way to happiness etc, as in, they can be used as a strategy to get what
you want, ie, to control Life by getting the ‘good’ and not the ‘bad’. This is
the 'power of positive thinking', or 'mind over matter', and so on, as if we
can control it all with our mind. Yes, well, we do like to have high opinions
of ourselves.
The problem with any belief is
that your dis-belief has to be suppressed, by definition.
Wanting to believe an external
belief means suppressing your own dis-belief. This external ‘belief’ or
‘teaching’ is a program from outside; it is at your outself/conscious only. You
do not ‘know’ it (at your InSelf/unconscious), ie, it is not true within. You
haven’t been able to find it for yourself and thus cannot know it as true for
you. You have been told/taught it and in this way ‘it’ is someone else’s
What often happens is that people
who aspire to ‘believe in’ such things as ‘god’s love’ or ‘abundance’ are
adopting these things as ‘wants’ at the conscious (outself) level as an
antidote (read opposite) to how they really feel (read unconscious) about Life,
(ie, not love and not abundance).
Thus the outself wants to believe
in such things while the InSelf actually does not believe them; these things
are not true for it. This sets up a fight between them where the outself is
trying to dominate/control the InSelf.
So, we do ‘If I believe hard
enough it will all work out the way I want’, and ‘I’ll just shut my eyes to
anything that tells me otherwise’, sometimes with disastrous consequences
(shutting your eyes is actually just another way of ‘killing the messenger’). A
very common example of this is people using the ‘power of belief’ to wish
themselves wellness in the face of severe illness. In fact the words ‘I am
fighting this illness’ with the ‘power of belief’ are often used. It’s the
words ‘fight’ and 'believe' that are telling you what is actually happening.
Notice also that judgement is
still sitting in the middle of all of this. At no stage are we prepared to have
a look at, much less address the thing that we want to go away, ie, the
'dis-believe in'. This is actually a resistance to life as well as an attempt
at control. But, “What you resist, persists”. If your actuality is not
in alignment with what you want, this is not an invitation or a ‘test’ to
‘believe harder’; it’s actually an invitation to consider what your InSelf
(GLS) might be wanting to tell you.
It is possible to change a
belief and Life will reflect that new belief.
But, and this is a big but, this change
has to occur at the unconscious, by definition. And the unconscious
(InSelf) will not accept or change a belief unless it is congruent for it.
Thus, what is ‘congruent’? It means that any change will have to ‘fit in’ or be
in line with our Soul’s objectives and current understandings of life, which
are generally based on its previous experiences in life.
So, for ‘believe it and you will
see it’, IFF the belief change has occurred at the unconscious you will
see it, and begin to believe it and eventually know it. But ‘seeing’ this means
that you check/observe whether Life and/or your body agree with what you want
to believe since they are telling you what is actually going on with your
Failure on your part to achieve
this ‘seeing’ does not mean you haven’t believed ‘hard enough’. It simply means
you need to go and talk to your unconscious, not bash it into submission. In
fact your unconscious wants to tell you what it wants, so face your issues
because they are what need to be addressed and they can be, but only by looking
at them and addressing them in a 'partnership' way. This is how we begin any
relationship, by facing the issue and addressing it. Getting help can also be
very useful.
The ‘Belief Changes’ technique is
part of the NLP suite of tools, as is the ‘6-Step Reframe’ which addresses
internal congruence issues. The Treasure Tool outlined later is also useful, as
are others.
Also, some beliefs need more than
one go to ‘bust’ them, especially if they are part of complexes, so sometimes
you just have to look at the issues again and go deeper. As with all things
with the unconscious, treat all your issues with respect.
In fact, you can use your fear
that what you want to believe is not true, to show you what you do want.
As a clarifying example, try ‘I
want to believe I am loved by God’. The fear would be ‘I don’t feel loved’ and
the fear shows me that ‘I want love’. That is what needs to be addressed
because that is the issue. The ‘believe-in’ is a mental strategy (think Spirit)
for a Soul problem. (An even deeper fear might be ‘if I don’t love God or if
God doesn’t love me, I’ll go to hell’. There is often more than one layer to
In the end, ‘believe-ins’ can be
another version of P&C, but this time you are trying to force your InSelf
to comply with your outself; an internal P&C rather than an external
P&C. But it’s still P&C.
Affirmations may or may not
belong here. Once again, the result is dependent upon their truth at your
unconscious (InSelf) level. If it is true/correct internally, it has to ‘show
up’ externally in the physical realm as the reflection of your InSelf (not your
outself), ie, you will ‘attract it’. In effect, you will be able to see it.
This is what the ‘Law of Attraction’ is talking about; because it is basically
a ‘mirroring’ law, but what is always being mirrored is your InSelf
(unconscious) not your outself (conscious) (ML).
>~< >~< >~< <~>~<~>~<~>
But the Sup/Inf model can get
worse. The 3rd stage is Despising.
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