Ch.7a. Fears – Unsafe
Introduction to the 2nd half of Part II.
In chapters 5 and 6 we have looked at how Spirit's ideas affect
what we do and how we think and how we label this. But Spirit is afraid of life
and doesn't know what it is for. All of its ideas are 'getting away or control'
ideas, none of which actually address our real fears. We think life would be so
much easier if we didn't have a body.
What I hope I have established is that Spirit has no idea of Soul,
hence we need to look at what the Soul actually wants.
Our primary fears are the fears of the soul which is the part of
us that wants to be safe, fed, and wanted; this is true for all life. So some
of our biggest wants are to get rid of our fears, ie, our wants are coming out
of our fears.
Also, there still don't seem to be any rewards built-in to being
on earth. Does Soul have desires as well as fears? Any sensible psychologist
knows that rewards are crucial to any 'learning/mastering' system; not to
mention, the reward had better be for the body if you're training animals; it's
no good telling them about heaven 'later'. Well, we still have something inside
us about wanting to 'grow bigger', so I will discuss this in Chapter 8 titled
They're all awful and we don't like them, and would much prefer
that they were not there.
Hence, it seems much better not to look at them, but when we do
this we look like an ostrich.
But looking at our fears is the 1st step in addressing them. If
you don't know what they are you cannot address them.
The first thing we can do is to group them into themes that look
like this - Un-Safe, Un-Fed, and Un-Wanted. Unsafe is first because it is so
We feel terribly unsafe in Life. Look what it can do to us! So
many things out to get us! We are so fragile; forever at risk while we are
alive, and really 'How can God do this to us?' is the underlying
question we attempt to answer with our religions. We are really cross about
being unsafe and also very resentful that He has done this to us.
But, we are unable to notice that SBRs cannot deal with our issues
of 'safe' because they are built on ideas of 'unsafe'.
Unsafe is the primary difference between having awareness as
spirit 'in Heaven', and our awareness once on earth. Heaven is safe, by
definition, and we don't have to do anything, and are able to think as we
please. So, we want to be protected, and from Life, basically.
We are a mixture of very afraid of what it can do to us, as well
as expecting to be able to do as we wish, and when we wish, which is what
spirit is used to.
We have almost a war- (well at least a defense-) mentality with
Life/Nature. And we yearn for Heaven and would nick off if we could if it were
not so fraught getting back, and if we knew 'for sure' we would get
But, most animals have to face 'Nature raw in tooth and claw', so
why not us? In fact, Nature suffers greatly from our depredations on Her.
Neither is our safety dependent on simply the weather and the
natural world; we are actually very dependent on other people in an enormous
network of ways. Larger examples would be countries and their peoples being
affected by the decisions of foreign governments without being able to do
anything about it. 'Smaller' examples would be the internal networks of
dependency that countries have, eg, some countries allow or are unable to
contain its citizenry running round with any kind of weaponry under the sun, so
they can 'defend themselves'. Not a good formula for feeling secure. In our
current society women are not safe from men, and there are plenty of places
that are a great deal worse.
We Look for How to be Safe. (7A1)
Any way we can; control, power and might, hide, attack, defend,
look for pity and the other's protection; but always, life is seen as a threat,
and always we are looking for safety from out there, from 'the other'. We are
wanting it, but never really seem to be able to find it. We greatly fear not
having it.
Our fears make many turn to the 'spiritual' but it can't help - we
just end up kidding ourselves. We try using our minds with judgement and
comparison, but that makes us more split than ever.
We try to stuff these fears down, but end up with all that sewage
in the basement, a 'dead'ened/unaware body and bored witless, but if that isn't
bad enough, if we are not aware of that 'sewage' internally, we get to meet it
externally as well (ML). Life sure likes to hammer these things home.
But, we do have an ideal of Safe.
Our Ideal of Safe. (7A2)
Our ideal of Safe is Heaven, and we yearn for it. 'Heaven' means…
The end of our fears and
worries; whew! Peace at last! No nasty surprises or 'things that go
"bump" in the night'
We can relax and rest;
ease; no watching out, or hard work
We are loved, wanted and
And provided for, we are
fed without having to do anything, (although we don't have to be 'fed'
physically in Heaven)
It's beautiful and
comfortable, ie ease.
Heaven is what we are taught as the alpha and omega of what we
desire, and most of the impetus to take any notice of the directives about how
to get to Heaven comes from hating the fears. We look for any way we can to
escape these fears and except for the problem of having to be dead to get to
Heaven, more people would try to leave life on earth.
Shopping Centres. (7A2b)
A shopping mall is another example of what most humans think they
need and want and how life should be.
It is a controlled
environment, with no sun, rain or rotten weather. It’s likely to be clean and
the right temperature.
We can eat whatever we
like, whenever we like, without much effort or cost; all those nice things full
of sugars and ‘crook’ fats.
We can get to the loo
There’s plenty of noise and
music to deafen us to the natural world and our internal ability to sense that
natural world.
There’s plenty of glitter,
colours and lights to distract us from our boredom (or fear) with what we have
in life, and with all those people around us, maybe we won’t feel so alone than
if we were at home just watching TV.
Complete disconnection from
the natural environment.
But there's a Problem. (7A3)
The problem here is that our definition of Heaven is the child’s
version of safety/security; someone else is providing it, not the child.
It has NO…
Explore and Express Self in
the physical world of Energy (without which we will get bored eventually)
Growth in Self-Esteem (SE) which
is another thing that we really want! It's a way of feeling bigger. See below
Thus and so, we cannot ‘grow’ in SE when we are in Heaven; we
simply cannot find out about our own powers for ourself without being alive on
Earth; that is the gift.
And this is the problem with thinking that Heaven is where we’re
supposed to be, or that there is no positive point in being alive on Earth,
which is just a punishment for we know not what.
The difference between the child’s and the Adult’s version of
safety/security is the Adult is able to provide their own for themself as well
as others to the best of their ability.
We also Have another Ideal of Safe. (7A4)
We forget that we have another ideal of safe which is ON earth,
and that is the Garden of Eden, but we consider it a fairy story, and therefore
suppress it as 'non-sense'.
But we do yearn for it, and it is part of our 'dreams'.
See below in 'Desires'.
What happens if we Feel Safe? (7A5)
We start looking for unsafe. (7A5a)
We would like to be safe, but the problem with always being safe
is we start looking for unsafe, because we need the contrast, and we do
this in all sorts of ways by pushing the boundaries.
And then, if we're safe, blow me down, we get bored, and unable to
be grateful for being safe. We start behaving like a brat, and trying to
dominate life. But if we are dominating life 'successfully' according to the
social 'norm', we begin to consider ourselves invincible, and refuse to look in
the Mirror, and therefore will not find out who's inside, which is why you are
here in the first place. So that misses the point somewhat.
However, this is all part of our Explore. All Life Explores. We
are actually meant to 'throw our weight around’ and push our boundaries/limits
because this is how we find out what our 'weight' and boundaries/limits are.
The cost of 'safe'. (7A5b)
We want 'safe' so much that we are prepared to compromise our
freedoms for the sake of surveilling everyone to check whether they might be a
terrorist. This is an enormous fear of death if ever there was one. How much
money do we spend on this? And how secret is this surveillance? Very, and
secrecy breeds injustice. But what sort of life do we end up living? Is the
tiger safer in a cage? It still looks like a tiger, but it can only be
'tigerish' in a very limited way. Is that what we want? What would the tiger
choose? Yes, it's at greater risk in its natural environment, as are we.
Surveillance cages all of us, but in fact the cages that are built for us by
the industrial/military complex are far more likely to limit all of us, but
these cages are rather more subtle than a terrorist bomb. What do we want?
We can't be Certain of Safe. (7A5c)
Once again, this problem in life is about needing to look at your
own internal attitude to life, because life is reflecting that back to you.
Mirror Laws say that if you consider life to be attacking you, you will attack
life in some form or other. Your response may be 'I need to defend myself' but
in all of this you are making 'the other' unsafe. You are blaming 'out there'
for your fears. This attitude on your part will stress you even more anyway. It
also ruins relationships; no-one is safe with you.
The point here is that safety is not a certainty, nor can it be,
and neither is it useful to you to expect it. You are here to learn what safe
is actually about, which is quite something to achieve too.
How to be Safer in Life. (7A6)
The Answer to How to go about being as Safe as possible for
yourself is actually the same as that which animals have to do all the time,
(and they are generally able to figure it out, lots, except when humans are on
their tail).
You use all your senses and take care - all the time. You
also have senses other than VAKOG; intuition, gut feelings and even
clairsentience (those psychic abilities) which are very useful. This does not
include wearing earphones while on a bicycle in traffic, or texting while
driving a car. In fact, living in the natural world is a good idea too,
actually - what's left of it.
There was a time not long ago when we didn't have fast
communications at all, with all its advantages and disadvantages, but I suspect
that many people had to rely on their gut feelings to survive, and knew how to
do so; I suspect that mobile phones do not help us to develop our gut feelings.
Notice also that animals in their natural environment do not
expect to be safe, although it is also true that sometimes they do not know if
there is something 'new' that they need to be aware of, eg, the little Australian
ground-loving birds in my garden did not evolve to take cats into
We need our awareness of life out there, and we need our great
minds to think about what we meet out there, and what we learn and how we can
use what we find.
Life is a challenge for which we are amply equipped, and an exploration.
The challenge is to find out more about who is within, and the results can be a
great surprise - to you and to others. But, until you look, you will not
The Real Question is, Is the Other Safe from You? (7A7)
We think that we should be safe from Life, so we ask how come
we've been chucked into it and what for, but the question is actually, 'Is Life
Safe from You?' (As we want to be safe, so we must give it to 'the other'.
Those Mirror Laws, as ever. )
So, how much is Life or 'the other' safe from us? Let me count the
ways... (in no particular order) pesticides, herbicides, chemicals 'from hell
to breakfast-time', antibiotics, processing, pollution, mining, manufacturing,
waste disposal, faecal matter from billions of humans and animals, nuclear
plants and their waste, war, armaments (always for defense of course)
development, technology, and on the personal level, judgement, blame, criticism, trolling, etc.
etc. and etc.
We make Life/Nature/Earth deal with our toxic waste and pollution,
and we take it for granted. This is an abuse on our part; animals don't do
this; humans do. It is another way in which we fail to take any responsibility
for ourselves. This is not on, and we need to think about what we are doing.
Deal with it ourselves, or maybe even don't produce it in the first place. This is an enormous topic, and one we will
have to address sooner rather than later, although we put it off…..
So, how safe do you feel in the present, and how safe from all
this are our children going to be?
The more we exploit Life/Nature and kill it for fear or money or
whatever, the more Life is unsafe from us, and therefore we will feel unsafe
from Life. This is how Mirror Laws work. It is our thinking/beliefs about
Life that are killing us, not the actuality.
So, the next step is to work out how to protect 'the other', as
in, you are specifically attempting to protect life and give it a chance to
grow, explore and express. In this you are giving some form of 'safety' to
other life, and that will help you grow to feel safer internally as well.
Looking Out for the 'Other'. (7A8)
How do we look after 'the Other' which includes Looking After Your
Own Body. (7A8a)
In how many ways can this be done? One of the more important ways
you can do this is to look after your own body correctly for its sake and keep
it safe; your body is part of your 'other'. This (safe) means well-cared for,
physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The 'spiritual' domain
includes your motives, dreams and aspirations; do you keep them safe from
others' judgements and denigration? In fact, the question is 'How do you actually
give TISP to your body?'
Hopefully you are able to look after your body as a child in a well-cared
for environment; attractive, clean and relatively peaceful with few dramas and
emotional upsets which are emotionally stressful. How much effort do you put
into achieving these things? If we believe that the body is not important
(SBRs) why bother to look after it?
Clear Thinking. (7A8b)
Mentally, we need good clear thinking to learn about making our
own way in life and able to provide more safety for the other. Some of the more
difficult problems with lack of education in countries with little money, is
the great restriction in possibilities for their people as well as the
narrow-mindedness that comes with superstitions and taboos. The ability to read
and hopefully to access books (or the Internet) can be a great 'equalizing'
factor. The importance of publishing was that information was made affordable
and available for most. Most of us take this for granted; we also use all our
marvelous resources for entertainment now, rather than for thinking. But this
is sort of like eating dessert or sweets all the time, rather than any meat and
potatoes or having to 'chew' anything. Sweet things alone cannot sustain you.
Clear observing and actual thinking will. By this I mean that you are able to
arrive at considered conclusions after careful observation and informed
So, part of looking after yourself is to educate yourself, as in,
find out and keep enquiring, so that you can continue to explore life and
develop your dreams and aspirations. A good education equips you to find out
where to look or who to ask and not just be told. And then, even better, you
may be able to teach others what you have found (this is a form of Expression
for you after your exploring). Education is a door to giving people tools to
help themselves, and to learn to think clearly and carefully. Hence, a good
education is part of Protecting yourself. Interestingly, the powerful are not
that keen on people educating themselves; they like it much better if people
just do as they're told, or the government pays for 'factory-fodder' type
training. They don't like being queried. See also, Feudalism, which below.
Other even more primary forms of Protect include Housing, as are
clean food and clean water and air (and, proper sewage and facilities, and so
on…). All our utilities are/were social
Other forms of looking out for the other include no emotional
attacks, eg, blame, trolling etc. quite apart from the fact that you are always
doing these things to yourself as well (ML). In fact, our manners are a form of
keeping the other safe from our self.
Protecting 'the other' is what Adults do. It is part of TISPing
Life which is a service. Wanting to be looked after by any 'other' is being a
Understanding that Life is not out to get you. (7A9)
The ultimate safety/security is to consider that Life is not out
to get you at all. (As you think life is out to get you, so part of you will be
out to get back at life.)
Life is there to mirror your InSelf so that you can find out who
is actually there inside you; your Real Self, and in this, Life is serving you.
This does not mean that all at once you have nothing to worry about and
everything becomes all ‘lovey-dovey’. All of us have tonnes of things to learn,
some of them not necessarily pleasant, and life can and will bop us on the
nose, or provide a stick to the bottom if we need to move. You still need to
respect that life is fragile and that it can be all over in a blink.
What it does mean is that Life has purpose and point for our
benefit. Once again, it is your own attitude to life that is making or breaking
your life. What do you want?
To return to the metaphor of the Horse and the Rider. In the end,
we want to ride the 'horse' of Energy. That's why we are here. No amount of
'there is no horse', 'we all fall off', 'there's nothing to get back onto',
'you're here because you were 'bad'', or you're here for anything other than
'horse-riding', makes any difference.
Also, you can't learn it in theory, and spirit only knows about
theory; you have to get on the horse, and then it does things! Not to mention -
it's not Safe! Oh no!
An Aside on Those who Help to Protect us. (7A10)
It is really quite ironic that generally those people who are the
most necessary and useful within our society, and who are usually paid for and
organized by government, eg, firemen, nurses, the police, ambulance, teachers,
and others are paid as little as we/society think we can get away with. The
contrast in salary with those of sportspeople and other entertainers is quite
amazing. What are we valuing, because that is what we will get? (In Victoria,
Australia, our State Emergency Services people are volunteers, as is our
Country Fire Authority, yet we rely on them greatly in an emergency.) As we
value entertainment over protection, guess what we'll get?
And it’s Back to ML, as always.
If you consider Life to be attacking you, you will attack life in
some form or other. Your response may be ‘I need to defend myself’, but you are
blaming ‘out there’ for your fears. This attitude on your part will stress you
even more anyway. It also ruins real relationships; no-one is safe with you.
Wanting to feel safe and protected is a whopping issue for all of
us. The answer to all wants is to give them. If we want to feel safe, we need
to give protection PEMS, however and whenever we can within our own world of
our awareness, and to our InSelf first. This protection is the 'P' part of
TISP, (= Love in Action). Well, fancy that!
The next fear that I wish to deal with is that of Hunger/Thirst.
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