Friday, 10 February 2017

8b Desires - Fruit

Ch.8b. Desires - Fruit

This is the 2nd part of chapter 8 titled Desires and is entitled Fruit. I am continuing to use the Flower Metaphor, (which is really a continuation of the Plant Metaphor) and for many plants Flowering is the Prelude to Fruit/Seed.
Our Flowering comes from the outself Serving the InSelf (= GLS). It is a manifestation of Life from within. Now that the flower is there it becomes an open invitation, as it were, to input from external others for cross-pollination and fertilization. The flower is the prelude, invitation or vehicle, for input from a physical 'other', which then becomes a physical partnership. Notice that both need to have very similar genes to be able to do this. From this point on the process of growing the fruit gets underway, which also takes time and energy from the plant's normal growth.

'The Flower goes to Fruit' Metaphor. (8B1)
·         The Flower is an invitation to the input of another plant of the same species. ie partnership within the 'family', The Flower is generally pollinated by an external vector; so it is fertilized by the input from a flower of another 'kindred' plant; and vice versa. Also, insects live on the nectar and pollen. (There is a tacit warning here about keeping genes within 'the family'.)
·         The flower then 'goes inside' to form seed, which is a partnership with others of 'like mind'/species. This partnership holds the potential for further possibilities of new forms of this plant from the genetics of two partners (a Merge).
·         Forming the fruit then requires more effort on the part of the plant and time to grow in relative safety hidden within the not yet attractive (hard, bitter tasting and the wrong colour, etc.) growing fruit. The fruit also has to be protected until it is ready.
·         The seed is generally packaged in a format designed to support the initial growth of this new life. The seed may be enclosed in fruit, so that other forms of life will eat it and spread the seeds. The fruit gives life to other forms of life, ie, it gives life to the other.
·         Most plants generate far more seed than is required for the purposes of regeneration or replacement of that plant. The seeds are packages of energy that give life to further versions of the plant, while many animals are able to live on these seeds.
·         Thus, this 'fruiting' of the plant gives life to itself and to the other.
Note that both flower and fruit require extra effort/resources from the plant for their formation.

The Fruit.  (8B1a)
Fruit contains the seeds from the combination of 2 plants with the same sorts of flowers, together with their packaging. The seeds carry the information for new life of the plant, and each one is a possibility arising from one combination out of so many possible combinations. (This can annoy plant growers at times, when they are dealing with plants that won't 'breed true', and you can't tell what they will do until you grow them.) In this manner the plant promotes more of itself, and also has possibilities for adaptations for different environments and so on. But the packaging of the fruit/seed also feeds other unrelated life and helps them continue, ie, it gives life to other life. Hence, the fruit gives life to itself and to the other. Children are referred to as the 'fruit' of the cross-fertilization between 2 people. (They certainly need/use the resources of both parents to bring them up.)

Partners.  (8B2)
So, we have something interesting here about Partners.
The Flowering comes from the Merge/Serve between outself and InSelf, ie the internal 'other'. Hence, we as human beings are God's Flowering of Her relationship between Her 2 internal selves, as is all Life. But Fruit comes from the input/partnership from the external physical 'other' of similar 'genetic' material. So, the question is, who is God's external 'other'? And the answer is, us!?!
We have the same 'genetic' material, ('made in the image'), and God wants partnership to 'make fruit' in the physical/manifest world. God wants our input for cross-pollination/fertilization for new life.
This logic comes out of a metaphor that we live with and thoroughly take for granted. But all metaphors are telling us about Energy and how it works - they have to, because they come out of Energy, as do we and everything else; Energy is our 'ground'.

So, what on earth is this partnership? Where do we get told about this? We do get told that God 'talks' to Adam in the Garden of Eden, and there doesn't seem to be anywhere else that God talks to humans, meaning an actual direct conversation.

Relating to God.  (8B2a)
What we are told is that this 'talking' does happen in the Garden of Eden; ‘God comes walking… and talks to Adam’.
As we develop our internal relationship, it does feel like coming into the Garden of Eden, which is rather what I suspect we want/yearn for.
We can't get in while we are afraid of Life. How does anyone connect with something they're afraid of? That is the big question. The spirit part of ourselves is afraid of Life; it cannot connect with it. (Remember, the word spirit is defined in this UUS as the spirit part of our self, and closely related to our intuition; it is NOT used in this discussion as God or the Universe as 'spiritual' people do.)
The Garden of Eden is where we can 'talk' to God directly for our self ie, connected to Life ie, Life can and will talk to us and help us if we are not afraid of it. It has to because it is always reflecting our InSelf.

To come back to the concepts of the AO1 and the AO2. (8B2 Diag.1)


apart from God

a part of God


partner with God

Thus and so, as we come into partnership with God, we start to be able to communicate with Her and Life, directly. How you do this for yourself will be unique to you, but it will involve consistently aiming at peace, truth and beauty in your life. (Extraverts find the 'numinous' within, and Introverts find the 'numinous' without [outside].)  This will start bringing you back into the Garden of Eden, which is where I suspect we actually want to be. It is Heaven on Earth, and what we are looking for.

Life talks to us.  (8B3)
So, what is this 'partnership'?
Life starts to 'speak/talk' to us, in a manner that is dependent on our natural tendencies for receiving information; whether we are auditory, visual etc. Also, our dreams and intuitions will 'tell' us things to help us learn how to live 'right' for ourselves. This is Life 'speaking' to us, and helping us. Nobody talks about this because others will think they're nuts, and the trouble is that it is very easy to delude yourself, but it can and does happen, and can be tested and developed as a skill. But, it is also true that no-one else needs to know about this anyway; if you use it to be a 'spiritual' Big Cheese you'll lose it.

 An example from my own experience is that when I was part of a group learning NLP, the rooms were on a main road with traffic. This included a sewage truck that travelled up to collect the sewage from septic tanks in the Dandenongs and then down to dispose of it. Eventually, we noticed that when someone had done a big 'clearing' of a fear, the heavy/full truck would rumble by on its way down to dispose of the sewage, and it was funny, and it kept on happening. God/Universe/'whatever' is not only 'funny' but likes puns as well! Very 'pfunny', and really rather delightful (that word) and validating and connecting for the person as well. A bit like Life giving you the 'thumbs up'. 
This example may seem very ‘small’, but in fact is feels ‘huge’ to the person concerned to even begin to consider that life may be speaking/talking to them personally. It is terribly easy to dismiss such things as 'nothing but', but this is what the word 'sacred' is about. If you do dismiss such things, the natural world cannot 'talk' to you, and you cannot feel supported in your endeavours; you cannot grow. Life can and will support you, but not if you're busy dismissing the way it 'talks' to you, ie, your sensing of it. It's the synchronicity that's the key, and one of the many important things that Jung was saying; it's Life reflecting your internal energy.
As you continue to live ‘in line with the Universe’ you will find that Life is always telling you about you personally (it's serving you), while others are actually telling you about themselves (because of projection). This is quite a change, because we tend to think that it’s the other way around. All very interesting. (More in Goal-Setting.)
Being 'spoken' to may be easier to develop if you live in a more natural world than a big city, but I suspect the skill is more dependent on having a good relationship with your InSelf than where you live.

Getting back into the Garden.  (8B3a)
We get back to the Garden when we become a normal human being who is part of (one with) the world of Nature and God and loves it all. It is our fear of Life that keeps us out of it.
As we learn to do this, I suspect that few of us have any idea of the kinds of powers that can be developed. Writings about the Wicca 'craft' or the Toltecs, as well as American Indian abilities in their past can give a hint.
However, (there's always a 'however') we do need to notice that the Garden of Eden is not where we get to do nothing. We are directly involved in maintaining and protecting it.  

Father and Son; Parent and Child.  (8B4)
Jesus described the relationship between God and Humans as the relationship between 'father and son', so what was he talking about? In Part I I mentioned this partnership, but our society has lost the real meaning of this, especially between human fathers and sons. There has been and still is so much absence of the father. So, what is this partnership of working together on the task of giving and TISPing Life, ie, making Fruit together? There are 2 things happening here.
The first is that the 'child' becomes equal with the parent as it grows up, not the same, but equal in terms of ability to give life. We know this; it's in front of our noses; what are families doing all the time?
The second is this bit about Energy where the child can become a partner to the parent in terms of working together to 'give life to the other'. We don't really have a metaphor for this. This is the bit that we seem to have lost sight of, but it is very important. I see it happening more with women and their daughters than with men and their sons. Inter-gender parent-child relationships may be more problematic in terms of description and classification because of our society's difficulties with the masculine and the feminine. But the operative here is that parents and their children have the ability to be partners in 'giving life'. How much do we use/see that?
We also need similar 'genetics' for proper fruit to be able to form. If you feel lacking in actual genetic family, you could make your own of Like Minded Others (LMOs).
If we want to Flower, we have to learn to serve our InSelf, which is also God, Life and Self (for us). Hence, our Flowering involves God. The partnership between our 2 selves is a partnership with God. So, the 'child' of God becomes a partner with God.
So increasing Flowering on our part leads to increasing partnership with God.
The more we Flower, the more we will learn to love life, and trust it more, so we can Flower more, etc. we become more connected or intertwined with Life.
But InSelf = God, Life and Self. Therefore and thus, a better relationship with the InSelf means a better relationship with God and Life, read Nature. This equation is also an indication that you can develop this relationship through God (or whatever feels like that to you), or Nature, or your Self within.

Advantages of Flowering. (8B5)
As you develop your internal relationship with your InSelf, you begin to know yourself; to realize who is there, and you will feel more 'real' and be able to be more 'natural', true to yourself, and relaxed in your attitude to Life. As you become more connected to your own intrinsic nature within, you will become more intrinsically related to Nature. Let the words tell you.
This is our inheritance, we are part of Nature, and we want to feel connected to that.
Hence, you will feel that you are not alone, because you have discovered/uncovered your InSelf, and you can become a partner with God and the natural world, which will ‘talk’ to you. Where else can you do that? We don’t ‘talk to God’ when we’re in Heaven.

Learning to Trust Life.  (8B6)
As we flower, we start to come into the Garden of Eden and we begin to trust Life. 
So, what are we trusting?
The trust bit is that Life 'out there' will always tell you what you need to know about your 'in here'. Because that's what Energy does. The Mirror Laws are saying how Energy works. In the meantime, you get to sort out what matters to you and your motives for what you're wanting and what you want to do. That is your free will, and it's always yours.

Thus, as we partner God in manifesting Life, so we give ourselves ongoing ('eternal'?) Life and TSE. And feel connected to Nature/Life, and get to start living in the Garden of Eden, and find Peace of Mind, and are able to Rest, after we have made the Effort to do Serve.

So, with this promise comes the understanding that Serving Life is how we get what we actually want, and that involves effort and the submission to Life/Energy.
As we manipulate, dominate, abuse, force or exploit it, essentially for money or our ego, we stop life and we stop ourselves. We will 'wear it' until we 'get it', as the only way for us to find out that it's much nicer for our own self doing it God's way, because of how Energy works - its laws. (And remember, God got to work this out too; ie this is not personal - it is what Energy does.)
The primary consequence of all this is that our motives for whatever we do, ie why we do it, must be very clear and careful and in line with the correct use of Energy, ie ethical, ie for the greater good of all Life, plants, animals, the earth and us; now and in the future (because of 'Keep' from 'Till and Keep'). (And not just 'nice/noble' words either; it's the actions that count; we will 'wear' what we do to 'the other' because of Mirror Laws, so 'do as you would be done by'.)

Thus and so, GMO plants do not fit these criteria, ditto nuclear energy, ditto all the things that mess up our planet and poison and kill other life.
As we are afraid of Life, so our motives get bent out of shape, ie out of line with Energy, and we cannot get what we really want.
The problem with fears is that they always ‘bend’ our motives, so that they cannot be straight or ‘true’ or in line with Energy, and therefore we cannot trust the result, or in fact we can trust that things won’t work out, eventually; they will always bite us on the bum - fooh!
Hence, the usefulness of facing our fears of life, which means that spirit gets to stay put on earth, and start to relate to life and the soul. It's not if, it's when. Thus it might be useful to have a belief system that encouraged this and had good tools to help people do so.

Conclusion to Chapter 8.  
There are rewards for Life ON Earth that make the search and the effort most worthwhile.
Fruit is the way that new life is generated through the Merge of 2 separate, but genetically related entities.
The promise of the fruit is that we can be partners with God in generating this new life and making and keeping it ongoing, even if we are not there to see it; our individual Flowering will live on.
It is thus possible for each of us to come to live in our Garden of Eden and talk/speak with God, Life or Nature and work together to keep this new life ongoing and continue to make and grow and learn for ourselves.
The rewards that come with Flowering and Partnership with God are what we humans are searching for in Life, and even then, it's still a beginning - there's always more.

We are not meant to 'Love All' in terms of spraying 'Lerv' all around you to everyone else. As you TISP your InSelf, you will automatically attract to yourself those others of similar ilk/'family' that you can partner with in Life. This is what Flowering does; then you can Create Fruit together and 'feed' yourselves deeply in the process.

The argument within this UUS is that our desire to grow and Flower with its concomitant TSE is so deep that it has to be built-in and is thus 'calling' us all the time. In fact, it is a need. These desires are 'Life's wish for itself'; they are in our DNA, so to speak. Our need dovetails into our wants. Nothing satisfies us like TSE.

Conclusion to Part II.
In part II I have looked at what we as human beings are essentially wanting as a way to try to understand why we do what we do and what it does to us. 
I began with the ways we try to be 'bigger', using the Superiority/Inferiority Caper as the starting point because we do it so much, (and automatically too) and consider it to be what Life is about. My conclusion here was that doing Sup/Inf wasn't useful to us and we needed to look for another way.
In the Psychology section, I looked at how the Superiority/Inferiority Caper affects us and what it looks like in terms of our psychology; how we label things; how the Mirror Laws work in daily life and how they get described, as well as the fact that we are 2 people internally.
In the Religions section, I looked at what we are taught by our religions/teachings/beliefs about how to cope with all of the above; our mainstream as well as 'spiritual' religions/teachings, none of which are terribly helpful, since they are 'how to escape' teachings. They also have our 2 internal people the wrong way around for the 'little' and the 'big' bit, and are still judging; that word again, so we know there's a problem.

I then looked at those things that we seem to actively want and these wants fall into two categories. Humans want to get rid of their fears, and also have wants/desires for what feels 'good', ie, we want to get rid of the bad and have the good. So, the enquiry has been just what exactly these are and what we do about it? 
In the Fears chapter, i looked at the fears that we want to get rid of (the 'bad' things), and found that they are needed to teach us how to TISP, ie, the sticks. These are the things that make the donkey move.
Hence, we are not going to learn what we want and need to learn for our own happiness without having them.  And finally, I looked at what 'growing bigger' actually means, using the natural models/metaphors of children and plants to give us some idea and labels/names for what we are looking for and how to get them and what's required, and why. I then found some very desirable reasons for being on Earth, and great rewards for the effort; the carrots. These are the things that make the donkey move in the right direction. There is every reason to reach for these carrots; they are very sweet and nourishing.

Where to look for these rewards of being alive on Earth, 'cos we don't know, and don't have a teaching about this stuff which is the whole point of this (monumental) diatribe. We don't understand what we want, or why, or what's required or how to get to where we would like to  go. We don't understand how important it is to have an inspirational meaning for life, and we don't know what's involved in having/getting it or the point of doing so. Nor do we have proper labels/names/words for these concepts which means we have stacks of trouble trying to define and untangle them out, and I think it's past time for a change. Hence this UUS.

Throughout all of the above, the logic of this inquiry makes sense of so many of the writings and truisms, instructions and quotations from various sources that echo down the years, that we haven't understood within our society.
And in the process, the labels/names defined in this UUS give us ways to identify what we are actually doing to ourselves on an individual basis. If something has a properly defined name/label it means that, a. you can work out what you are looking at and handle/manage/tackle it for yourself if you wish, but, b. it also provides a means of communication with another because both of you will be 'on the same page' as it were, viz, you're actually talking about the same thing.

It's not 'it's all a great mystery and you shouldn't ask about it'.
The real mystery is in what comes out of any Merge which when it happens actually brings in the Holy Ghost; how is it that we have this one particular seed, now, of so many possible seeds; this child with these characteristics out of so many possible combinations from the DNA of just 2 people.
As for every person's mystery about who is inside them, they can find out for themselves if they want to, and set up their own relationship with God/Energy and work towards a future they desire. That's what this UUS is saying, that it can be done, and that it is worth it on all counts. As you integrate your InSelf and choose to being in line with the laws of Energy outlined in this UUS, it is possible to change your future.
The other amazing thing(s) is how Energy a. mirrors everyone all the time and b. sorts itself out, eventually, which it does. On the other hand it has rules which you can trust and use for your own purposes, but beware; the warnings are there; Respect its Power, and 'Know Thyself'. 

The message here is that it is indeed possible to empower yourself for your own purposes. This is how we learn to ride the Horse of Energy, and come into our own power to give Life to an Other.

This is the end of the book at this stage -  Feb 17.
The next chapters will be in Part III which considers our social structures in the light of what we now know.

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