Sunday, 11 June 2017

Introduction to this Blog

Introduction to this blog.

About the posts.
The following blog posts are the first 8 chapters of a book that I am writing called "Integrating the Shadow and Finding your Direction; the Meaning, Point and Value of Having a Life on Earth". (The book itself has many chapters to go yet.) It is loaded 'top' down, as in, from Chapter 1 down to chapter 8, so you can read it straight down, whereas blogs are usually loaded most recent down, which would look like chapters 8-1. The little numbers and letters in brackets at the end of the headings are to be a navigational aid when I have indexed it, eventually.
However, because it is a book, the posts are not simply topics in isolation, and are not meant to be read that way. They depend on concepts and logic developed in previous sections.
It has 2 parts;
Part I 'Foundations' comprising chapters 1-4 establishes the platform or foundation for more complex ideas which are developed further in Part II; and
Part II 'Wanting' comprising chapters 5-8 explores what it is that humans are really wanting at the deepest level.
It is long, ie, the posts are long and there's plenty to read so far, and the book will be longer yet.
The last entry is an addendum which is about the Adam and Eve story. I have included it because it was the first thing that I really looked at, and in doing so I realised that it was being misinterpreted to the nth degree, and had nothing whatsoever to do with blaming or demeaning women. I would really like most women to read it. 

What is this book about?
The message of this book is that as the beautiful waterlily/lotus is able to flower from the smelly anaerobic muck at the bottom of the water, so it is possible to use the 'muck' in our lives to help ourselves 'flower', and there seems to be more muck in our lives by the minute. 'Pooh/shit' makes the best fertilizer of all for plants, so I'm saying that it is possible to turn 'whatever gives you 'the shits'' into fertilizer for your own flowering which comes from within you. Hence the title of this site. (My apologies to those who may be offended by the 's' word, but there's a lot of it around and there's a bit of plain speaking in this book).

Our society functions on a great many beliefs and values about love, power, control, why we're here and so on, that we do not question at all. They appear to be written in stone, and are treated as givens (and they are very entrenched); that's that and lump it, basically. Nothing can change these givens unless they are explored and questioned, untangled and named, and then we can get some handle on what is actually happening here and whether they are actually true or useful to us. This is why there is so much explaining in this book; the concepts explored here are very different from or 'outside' our 'givens'. We have to look and name first, then we can work out what to do.
The 'questioning and untangling' here also shows that our societal givens are not useful to women at all really, although they are sort of 'useful' to men, which is why we have them, (and why they are entrenched) and we need to understand what they do to us all, and their consequences.
It is much easier to be clear about developing real alternatives if we have a full understanding of what the actual problems are in the 1st place. Along the way, it is not necessarily polite about mainstream religions or even the 'spiritual' world. There are a lot of things that are wrong with them, and most of them are bad for women, and I, for one, am heartily sick of them.
Since I consider that our current givens are killing life including us, I think it's time for a change.
Hence this is a book that I hope that women will read.

A primary point of this book is that it is to include a method that I call the Treasure Tool that you can use for yourself and by yourself (with the understandings of this material and a bit of practice). Then you can use what is in your Life now to empower yourself for your own satisfaction and flowering and do the waterlily thing, which is also actually very valuable to Life itself as well as you. You've turned the 'muck' into something good, and Life provides great compost material!

About me.
I spent the first 50 years of my life trying to be happy and to find love, and entirely and painfully unable to work out how. I didn't like my life and I didn't like myself much either. On the other hand being single with no children gave me a lot of time to read, and I was certainly looking for answers, mainly to the question of 'what on earth was I supposed to be doing?'.
Shortly after I turned 50 I became ill with fibromyalgia and I really could do nothing, so I had to stop and look at myself. However I was helped enormously by a psychotherapist (Jon Brenton) who used Goal-setting with NLP and TimeLine Therapy. I very much admired the work he did and his skills, and wanted to do the same.
Eventually I modified his methods by adding concepts that I found elsewhere and used that to get well, although it took me nearly 10 years.  It has taken even longer to understand why and how what I was doing worked, but these book chapters are the beginnings of my explanation. The method itself will be outlined in a later chapter.
As for working out what I'm supposed to be doing; well, this is it, and is quite a big surprise.

Why would you bother reading it?
Human beings are built to search for and find a life that has meaning for them - a Path with Heart and real satisfaction.
This is an understanding system for Life on Earth that you can use for your own purposes and for your own insights. You don't have to 'believe' anything, just test it and see if it makes sense to you, as in, see if it fits in with your own observations and experiences.
I like it, and find it very useful, and it makes sense to me, while no mainstream belief systems do.
It requires no authority or believing anything.
It makes sense of Life and God and why we're here.
It is unusual in that it is 'outside' or 'above' our normal world view, but it is not 'spiritual' or 'lovey-dovey'; (nor is it a pack of 'shoulds'), in fact, it is very down to earth. There are also quite a few concepts/insights here that I have not found anywhere else. 
But, it needs to be read to understand it, as in, sometimes concepts need books not talking.
All mistakes are my own. Please let me know of spellos, logical leaps, or 'explanations' that don't.
Kind regards,
June 2017
Soul Coach and 'Shit-Shifter' (Hons, 1st Class)



GLS = God, Life, and/or Self
ML = Mirror Laws
TISP = Time, Interest, Sustain and Protect = Love in Action ie, giving/doing it
UUS = Useful Understanding System
Outself = our conscious
InSelf = our unconscious

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