Friday, 9 June 2017

2a Humans - How We Are Built; Spirit & Soul

Part I, Chapter 2. HUMANS - HOW WE ARE BUILT.  (2)

This chapter has 3 sections labelled
Made in the Image 2A, Spirit and Soul 2B,
Conscious and Unconscious 2C, Merge 2D, Dualities 2E, and Filters 2F,
Emotions 2G, and TISP 2H.

In which we explore how we are built psychologically while we are alive on Earth, as in, the components of our psyche, and thus, this section is about who we are as a person.

YOU as reader are a separate single human being who is a part of an enormous whole which we really cannot encompass, and are not meant to; it’s a Largeness.
This Largeness has an energy and some sort of design or control that we don’t really comprehend. We call it God, the Universe, Life, and we can also use the term Nature which does not have to be limited to just our planet Earth. (On the other hand is Nature on Earth going to be eternal, considering what we are doing to it?)

What are You as this Spark or Part with a Mind?
We ‘come in’, as in, born on Earth, with some built-in features.
·         We are Made in the Image of God
·         We have a Psyche/Mind of a particular composition and structure.
·         We have filters.
·         We have a very large mostly unknown potential.
·         We have a pack of expectations and assumptions from our previous lives.
·         And a ‘larger design’ for our lives including Contracts, which we’ve chosen while off-earth, which we forget about when we are born.
These points are dealt with over the following topics and chapters. The first 3 points are discussed in chapter 2.

MAN IS ‘Made in the Image of God’. (2A)
The difference between man and all (?) other forms on Earth is that we have an internal awareness; which is another difficult concept to define.
It is not ‘I think therefore I am’, it is ‘I am aware that I am thinking, therefore I am’. This self-awareness is of key importance. We have an awareness of our external world (Life ‘out there’) and we also have an awareness of our internal world (our self ‘in here’). They are two different things, and we know that. We can shift our attention from one to the other, although we can’t really attend to both at once, although we may try.
Our inner awareness is our own Mind which can perceive things for itself. It is entirely individual with its own point of view. We think of it as ‘myself’.

Within the internal world of our minds are…
Things we are conscious of, which is what we present to the outer world; our ‘outer self’,
And things we are unconscious of which are actually completely unknown to this ‘outer self’, living deep within as an ‘inner self’. These ‘inner and outer selves’ are split in that the conscious does not know the unconscious (by definition).

God is ‘built’/made in the same way, but the difference between human beings and God is that God does know Her Inner Self, and therefore it is not unconscious. She has worked out how to learn about Her Inner Self and goes on learning because She loves doing so and Creates Life with it and explores it because it is enormous and there’s always more.
God does not need an external world because God is in everything. All Life as we know it is God’s manifestation of/from Her Inner Self. Her manifestation of Her Inner Self is Her Real-ization of Her Inner Self. She is making it Real, as in, giving it Life. We are part of Her ‘Real-izing’ of Her Self.

But, we are unconscious of our inner self, and the only way short of having nothing around us, which is what God had to contend with, is to have an external world ‘out there’ to show us who is ‘in here’ for our own self. God has worked out that Energy mirrors Life, so Her design for us is to provide us with Life so that we can use it as a mirror. Life is serving us as a mirror for us to look into if we want to. She understands that Her human creations need an external world in order to find out about their own internal world, and that it is extremely difficult to do it any other way. God is making it much easier for us than it was for Her. We need these conditions of our lives on Earth to find and understand our own energy/power/affect for ourselves, as well as how to use that energy/power/affect. The implication here is that the more we know and understand our inner selves, the more we are able to come into a unity of our own. Hence the primary instruction of ‘Know Thyself’.

Another point I wish to make here is that our internal world and our external world are as large as each other, and they affect each other each way.
We think that the world affects us, and it does, but we are generally unaware that we are affecting our world.

Our minds are built like God’s; they have to be.

The big risk of man being made in the image of God is that man will start thinking that he is actually god, which is an inflation (which see below). This is cured by time sooner or later.


There is a lot of talk about being made up of the trio of Body, Mind and Spirit, but some people use the terms Body, Mind and Soul.
Spirit and Soul are treated as almost synonymous in our society. Are they the same or 2 different things? If we have no definitions of these or don’t even consider them as different, we don’t know what is being talked about in any previous or current teachings and are unable to communicate clearly with others and build on our experiences. Without definitions, everyone ends up reinventing the wheel over and over; not to mention total confusion in trying to work out what anyone else is trying to say.

Please Note that in this discussion I consider the spirit to be part of each person. I am not and will not be using the term ‘Spirit’ in the larger sense as ‘spiritual’ people like to do when referring to God or the Universe. To reinforce this I will sometimes use spirit and soul without the upper-case S, but once again, we probably need better names/labels for these things in the first place.

Well, in the absence of any agreement whatsoever in trying to define these terms, I will try my own, and the best way I can think of is through internal description, as in, how it feels.
I would define spirit as the part of us that can ‘jump’; and soul as the part of us that feels like a ‘lump’. The spirit part of us has the imaginative, abstract qualities and the soul has the emotional qualities.
If we define spirit as unlimited in Space and soul as unlimited in Time, then when Time and Space come together we manifest as a single human being within a single time-frame, as in, now. But within this single human being are the 2 parts of spirit and soul, and for most of us they are split/separate. Not to mention, what about the Body and the Mind? Does that mean that there are 4 ‘departments’ or ‘sections’?
I’ll deal with the properties of the spirit and the soul first. What are the differences between them?

The part of us that can ‘jump’. It has unlimited space to move and roam.
It lives in the mind and appears to us to be synonymous with it.
It is our imagination. It can ‘see’ the bigger picture, abstraction (or chunking up) and meaning, as in, the ‘why’. It does have access to all the knowledge/concepts held in space, although that knowledge can be theory rather than actuality and is not necessarily congruent with reality on Earth.
Its characteristics are….

Singular; there is no ‘other’.
Free; singular and unattached; it doesn’t need anyone else. Detached; minimal to no emotions. Can’t attach, and not much ability to feel or sense others. Doesn’t understand emotions, basically. Spirit does not deal with ‘the other’.

Feels trapped in the body.
It feels trapped by the body and thinks it doesn’t need it. It doesn’t understand the body’s abilities, especially that of sensing the external world. It is prone to treat the body as if it is a car/machine/robot/mechanical device for carting it around and doing what it wants. Spirit generally ignores what the body senses because it doesn’t ‘make sense’ to spirit’s accepted concepts or ways of ‘knowing’.

It can access all ‘knowing/knowledge’ ‘out there’.
It thinks it has all the answers; for itself and everyone else. (If we think we have all the A’s, how do we ask any Q’s?) Doesn’t listen to others. Doesn’t understand the difference between theory and practice. Has the Theory – hence channeling it always ‘sounds’ good. [However, that person may not have been able to live it.]

Impatient (and lazy); used to ‘no time at all’.
Wants everything now, because it can conceive/imagine things instantly.
But also, ‘there is all the time in the world’, so no hurry, as far as it’s concerned, in what it wants to do next.

No memory because no experience of time.
Memories belong in time, but spirit does not experience any time, hence, no memories.

But above all….
It doesn’t have to do anything.
It is essentially lazy.
It’s not used to it, so it can take a while to think about it when alive, if it does. As spirit, It doesn’t have a body, and is not actually alive, even if it thinks so mentally.

The part of us that feels like ‘a lump’.
It resides in the body and feels completely synonymous with it. (The western world has a long history of referring to bodies as ‘souls’.)
It is our memories and emotions; see below.

It has unlimited time.
The memory of an event with a strong emotional response sends us back in time, but bits of memory can get stuck and break away, as in, our memory can become fractured and that particular memory will repeat over and over in time like a stuck vinyl record forever. It doesn’t move and it doesn’t change.
The soul is earth-bound because it is unlimited in time, and time is only experienced on earth; hence ‘lump’.

It carries our history.
We need memories for our resources, our ability to develop/build on our skills, relate to others (try talking to someone who has lost their short-term memory), and remembering/storing information for when it’s relevant next time, and to review our past and/or how we have got to where we are.

It has attachments.
To things and places as well as people, especially in the external world, and they are not always appropriate.
Attachments are made because of our emotions.
Our emotions are the source of our greatest sadness and our greatest joy, and of course, love, and really, our search for love and for life are our alpha and omega, and come from the soul.
Our emotions are our rudders. They are how we work out what’s important to us and what we value, and point us in the direction of wanting more of what we like, and set us heading in that direction.

The problem of the soul.
The soul is inextricably entwined within the body. The soul has ‘attachments’ to others and things and places. It’s the body that feels the emotions, and our emotions are our rudders. They are how, or really why, we make the choices that we make, and our choices are affected by our memories.
The problem here is that these emotions can be from past lives as well as this life. We are not a ‘tabula rasa’. So, not only does society ignore emotions from this life as irrelevant, the concept of having emotions and issues from past lives is just even more to be ignored, and yet to do so leaves us without any ‘handle’ on what is actually happening within us at a very deep level in the unconscious.

A very mild example would be someone who is afraid of water and can’t learn to swim, with no logical reason why; they just are. Yet for them even a minimal realization that they may have drowned in a previous life can be sufficient to change their decisions in this life and view swimming in a different manner. And really, that’s all that is required; a change of mind and a fear has gone. Simple, but we don’t believe it, so it doesn’t exist, and yet, that person knows that something in their life is different. They are no longer blocked from the pleasure and social context of swimming.

A not so mild example would be that of a destitute father going out to find food for his starving family during winter and getting caught in a snowstorm and dying of cold. He has not been able to return, and some/all of his family may die of cold and/or starvation. The father may decide he is no good as a father; the mother may decide that others cannot be relied upon, and the children may decide that parents don’t look after you, or fathers abandon you or that life’s too hard, and so on and so on. These are the decisions that get carried with us into the next life, (because there is a big emotional ‘bang’ or ‘effect’ attached to these decisions; the family members died thinking these things) and however useless or not such decisions may be, they hang around like bad smells and affect our next lives because Life reflects our unconscious back to us, and these decisions stay sitting in there until we decide something else.

We have already had a range of lives and experiences which have led us to make such decisions about the things that have happened to us. They are part of the soul which holds our memories (because of Time). This is not absolutely all our memories; what is retained are the ones with strong emotional charge attached to them, whether positive or negative. (However, we don’t usually complain about the +’ve ones.)

The union of the soul with the spirit within the body (ie, we’re alive) brings these memories into the unconscious part of the mind, and it is the body that generates and feels the emotions.

But, some of these memories have such a strong -’ve emotional charge that they split off from the main ‘body’ of the soul and get stuck in the time that they occurred, and in this time they just play over and over (which is what ‘stuck in time’ means), and start feeling like one’s worst nightmares; in fact, like hell, so we bury/repress them as much as we possibly can. We get stuck in fear.
If we have any of these ‘lost’ bits, they will ‘pinch’ energy from now (the present), because they are awful and we want them to stay repressed, and it takes energy to repress them. If there are more than a few, (and many people have them), then there can be many bits up and down the time-line through our previous lives, and the owner may feel fragile or very easily shattered, and won’t know what’s going on. That person just feels ‘out of control’ and generally fairly anxious about being in situations in this current life that trigger off these memories. But really, if you feel shattered easily, you may well have ‘bits of you’ somewhere else in time.

In fact, these bits can be remembered and retrieved back into the present, at which time the owner may feel as though they have found some part/member of themselves back and feel internally stronger or more resilient. Hence re-membered. (The Egyptian story of Osiris is referring to this ‘dismemberment’.)
However, this process of re-member-ing actually requires the overview or the ‘bigger picture’ that the spirit is able to bring in. The soul tends to get stuck in the detail of what happened, and needs the spirit to provide the bigger picture of the why it happened, within the context of what else was happening at the time, to find its meaning for us.
Thus, we need both spirit and soul working together to resolve the problems of these negative emotions, and thus able to bring the contents of the unconscious into the conscious. In so doing, we feel stronger or more integrated for it.

·         The body is an animal. (We just don’t like remembering this bit.)
·         It is our vehicle in this Life. But, it is not just a machine/robot to cart the spirit around and do what it says.
·         It houses the mind, along with the spirit and the soul.
·         It is made of earth/dust and will return to this. We like to forget this bit too. We have to maintain it if we want to stay alive. This involves effort.
·         It is our manifesting device; we can’t do things or make things or much else without it. It’s the part that ‘has and can mould the clay’ if we want to make things,
·         It is our energy exploring device; it’s how we get to experience things.
·         It is our energy sensing device, (all senses; not just VAKOG plus all the energy vibrations available to us; not just measurable ones either). We must understand that we are an animal and part of Nature and have access to the same range of subtle energies that surround all life. We cannot perceive/register/sense or ‘pick up’ these ‘vibes’ of Life without a body. People have enormous variation in their sensitivity to these energies, which is something we discount, generally because we are unable to measure these things. (The sooner we get rid of ‘if it’s not empirical, it doesn’t exist’, the better.) Don’t forget we can pick up others’ emanations as well; they are ‘vibes’ too.
·         It is our energy transmitting device; our own energy basically, as in, our own unique vibration (’Ident’). This energy that we are transmitting is the energy of our Unconscious; our Inner Self. We tend to think it’s our outer self or persona or image that we’re transmitting, and that we can use our will to force this, but it takes energy to maintain this image if it is not aligned with the unconscious, which is usually the case.
·         It is how we make our communication and connection to others including being the way/means by which God/Nature/Life can communicate with us.

The body is the ‘practice’; the actuality, and we hold the memories of the differences (our collisions) between theory and practice.

In our current society we are more familiar with spirit. We really devalue the body and the emotions, and in so doing we have lost the soul. There is an awful lot of New Age stuff about our being a ‘spiritual person having an earthly experience’ as if Earth were not our true home, although this may be in response to a general tendency to simply use the body without ever thinking about the reason for having life. However, it seems to me that we are really failing to encompass the importance of the body and its energies and the importance of addressing our physical health, the lack of which can affect both the emotions and our mental health. Our physical health is totally wrapped up in the health of the Earth. (A nice sweeping statement! And of course completely true. How can we think otherwise?)

Exists only while we have a body; (‘ipso fatso’ as in ‘Perishers’). (We don’t like that one either.)
Has a lot of ‘stuff’ in it when you think about it. (‘Stuff’ being a technical term, of course.)
·         Data from this present life experience and all you have accumulated so far.
·         Data from all those ‘vibes’ we ‘swim in’.
·         Data from the Autonomic Nervous System running the body.
·         Data from the spirit.
·         History from the soul.
·         Our connection to Life and God.
And some of it is conscious and some of it is unconscious.

Well, what’s the difference between the mind and spirit? They’re both ‘mental’ or both belong in the world of thought.
The difference is that spirit’s ‘thoughts’ look like ‘answers’ while minds ‘thoughts’ involve data or detail or comparisons collected from Life. Spirit’s ideas belong to the world of intuition, which also includes the symbolic, patterns, the abstract, and generalizations. They can be ‘true’, but they will be true in the abstract, as in, ‘Love is the answer’, which is true, but it is theory. Your business is to find what ‘love’ is for yourself, physically and emotionally, and then work out how to live it. Your body will collect the data, and your mind can compare the theoretical with its own actual and what it sees as true for others out there.

Now, we can look at some of the consequence of these different parts or sections or departments as they come together.

Anyone we know??
Freedom, singular ie, detached, and few emotions.
It can ‘jump’ away, and it has no ‘messy’ emotions; hence no attachments, to people or things and no love either; and no idea of their value or importance - attachments are seen as a weakness along with the body. Emotions ‘mess up’ rational decision-making and logical thought. Rational is good. (This begs the question of what is good.)
It may be able to feel ‘heavenly’ through stilling the mind, but it is unable to act upon giving love as effort or serve.

There is no other.
It has not had to deal with another during time as spirit. Well, it has not had to fit in with another’s wishes/commands. It has been able to do as it pleases. Life is actually quite a shock to it.

Doesn’t like having a body.
Because it’s an animal and vulnerable to pain and death. It requires effort to maintain, and it’s slow and an encumbrance to freedom, and for men it is a betrayer and will not stay under control; (hence many religions’ efforts to punish the body to keep it down for the lord’s sake, or punish those who might make it to go up!). In fact, as far as spirit is concerned the body with its soul is a real pill, and the sooner it can get rid of it or work out how to use it to the max for its own satisfaction, the better.

And very closely related to this is…
Doesn’t Want to do Anything.
It does not want to do Anything, and defines ‘heaven’ as not having to do anything.
Thus, it has terrible trouble with ‘Till and Keep’, especially the boring, routine bits like housework and looking after the body.
In the end, the justification for both of the above, is ‘there is no need to look after the body because it is ephemeral to this life and in the end it doesn’t matter, because ‘Heaven’s where it’s at’’.

Has all the Answers already.
Why need anything else? And don’t need anyone else anyway; especially anyone else’s Answers. It knows it all already and doesn’t need feedback or actuality to counter that. This translates as thinking that what someone says is what they do. Well, not! This one is such a trap! Our ‘talking’ society increasingly ignores the difference, and relies upon self-estimation as the measure.

It’s used to no time. It’s used to imagining it and thinking it’s true, and no need to check anyway because it’s on to the next thing. No idea of the amount of time it takes to grow/build/make/real-ize something in the physical; or of working steadily and patiently to get to this ‘end’.
It’s also unaware of time. There’s all the time in the world, and there is no ‘other’.
It is used to doing what it wants when it wants, for as long as it takes.

No memory.
Hence the belief that, if we ‘put it all behind us’ it’s gone. (However much we may like to think this is so, this concept is entirely and utterly incorrect.)

No concept of Nurturing, Protecting, Love or Serving.
Well, who to? There is no ‘other’.

It is always trying to dream up ways to escape, and justify it as well.
Of course, we actually ‘should’ be somewhere else, namely Heaven.

The above list looks to me awfully like most of our mainstream religions (and men). I suspect that these religions come from spirit’s ideas, and I will be using the label of Spirit-Based Religions (SBR) for them.

All religions based on Spirit's ideas about itself negate Life and cannot learn to love it, much less Serve it. This is almost all of current mainstream religions, at least in the West.
The irony here is that Spirit thinks it has all the answers but can't work out why it's alive on earth.

But we do need Spirit to..
·         Lift us up to get the bigger picture and the context.
·         Provide inspiration and imagine possibilities.
·         Provide the meaning.
·         Provide the metaphors that form bridges in meaning across PEMS.
·         Stop us from getting stuck in detail and too much emotion which can drown us.

But Spirit is here to learn…
·         The value and importance of love and to discriminate what to be attached to.
·         The value of effort and serve for love in creativity and relationship.
·         The value of the body and its senses in its connection to Life and Nature and our Inner Self.
·         The value of collaboration with the other for better ‘answers’.
·         The value of patience and time especially in relation to our children and/or our manifestation and/or creativity.
·         The importance of our experiences and our memory as communication devices with our Inner Selves.

But for our body with its soul things are altogether different.

·         Safe - this seems to be no.1 (just). It wants safety PEMS. ie in all departments/domains/directions.
·         Fed and Watered - no.2. Also, what we ingest needs to be clean - how important and how ignored!
·         Clean. It doesn’t like feeling dirty or ‘buggy’.
And also…..
·         Comfortable and the correct temperature for it.
·         Healthy and Well and able to move with ease and vitality.
·         Touched and stroked.
·         Fully able to play and explore according to its needs.
And, of course…
Loved. Nurtured, Protected and Served.

It also…
·         Likes to spend time and sense in to Nature, go with the flow. Patience.
·         Kind of has a mind of its own, which is usually unconscious.
·         Is the part that can nurture new growth as long as it understands how to nurture itself.

When we watch a well-fed, secure animal enjoying the sun and just Being, we can identify with that. That is soul. (And how much do we get to these, and who does so?)
Creations made with soul have a life of their own.
On the other hand, soul does need to let go of those attachments, especially things in the external.

Hence, A DIAGRAM OF the relationship between body and mind and spirit and soul could be…. (2BDiag1)


 <======= THOUGHT ==========>




Data, Logic













   <======= FEELING ==========>

But this diagram has a marked resemblance to the 4 directions/domains of PEMS, not to mention a marked resemblance to the MBTI personality system which I will discuss below. See MBTI chapter.

But if energy has these 4 directions/domains, so must we because we are made of energy too.
So, what are these 4 directions/domains? I deal with properties of Energy in Chapter 3. What we come into.

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