Friday, 9 June 2017

3a Energy - God & Energy; PEMS

Part I, Chapter 3. ENERGY (what we come into). (3)

This chapter has 3 sections labeled
God & Energy 3A, PEMS 3B and Metaphor 3C
Magnets 3D, Contrasts and Opposites 3E, Mirror Laws 3F
Reincarnation 3G.

What we come into is a world of energy, presumably in not all its possible forms, but certainly enough for us. This energy is our ‘ground’; we are made of it; it is all around us, and never-ending. If we are the fish, then this is the ‘water’, as in, “the fish doesn’t know the water”. This ‘world’ of Energy presents great contrasts from the tiniest parts of an atom to the hugeness of the Universe ‘out there’. These contrasts help us compare, and as we do that become more aware of who we are.
This energy has a structure and laws, so the more we understand them, the easier it is to navigate life in a manner that satisfies us.

Our body is as a kind of radio, receiving energy (or ‘vibes’) from out there and transmitting our own energy (or ‘vibes’) from in here. Our individuality is expressed by what it is that we choose to tune to to receive, as well as what we transmit, with enormous differences between individuals in range, frequency and sensitivity.

We are here to learn about …
·         our own energy,
·         Life energy, and
·         the intersection between these.
So we absolutely need to learn to describe/name/label it properly, to ourselves and to others. Otherwise we cannot use what energy has to tell us, much less work with it. The ‘fish’ is here to learn about the 'water’.

The Horse and the Rider. (3A1)
I have said before that I suspect that God is Mind exploring Energy with the implication that they are 2 different things. We kind of assume they are the same thing, but they are not. A useful metaphor is that of the Horse and its Rider. 

As we know, a horse can run with the wind, but humans can't, but humans can ride horses and then they can ride with the wind. The horse is the energy; it just goes where it pleases in its horsey mind; it can run free anywhere a horse can go. But, the human can provide the direction ie, goals or destinations.
The ride is exhilarating; and both seem to enjoy it.
Successful riding involves some things …
·         The human serves the horse by looking after it, addressing its needs, and getting to know it. This is a subservience to the horse’s needs for the human’s sake. Hopefully, we don’t run around treating the horse like a car, because the horse won’t like it.
·         The horse serves the human by providing a very large source of energy in one live package.
·         The human rider merges with the horse through feel/senses; here both work together 'as one'; and both need each other for their separate functions as well. Humans do other things, and so do horses.
There is an essence of being-ness in this ride including a love of life; the mastering of the skills required, the physicality of it, and the stimulation of the senses; desire and delight together, and self-esteem in the skills that have been learned.
The human finds out more about himself through his skills/abilities in riding and in using the horse, and directing it. The horse isn’t actually telling us what he thinks about it, but many horses appear to enjoy it too.

Success in riding the horse includes being able to stay on it and direct it. If we are riding the horse incorrectly or don’t know why we’re on it, or where we want to go, (viz, our internal motives are poor), we will eventually fall off, which can be a bit disastrous, not to mention painful.

When we watch a skilled horseman, horse and rider look like a single being, and we can ‘see’ where the myths of the centaurs came from. They look like a single entity and we have tales about them, but in the case of God and Energy, they are not a single entity.
This metaphor has its limits, because energy is all pervasive, not just a single entity, but it can be a useful concept.

God uses Energy to Explore Herself. (3A2)
God is ‘the rider’, not the ‘horse’ of Energy. We can use this metaphor to understand that God is using energy to explore Her Self; to find out 'who is here?' She has learned how to ride the horse and is thus using Energy correctly, as in, with the correct motives.
In the same manner humans are here to learn to ride the ‘horse of energy’. But it is also easy to become rather frightened of the horse; after all, it is somewhat larger than we are.
But our motives for what we want to do, ie why we want to do it/them, are crucial and I deal with them in the Goal-Setting chapter.

It is important to understand the horse and the rider are 2 separate things, because much of what God is trying to tell us (all those injunctions in the Bible) is about what happens when we use Energy incorrectly. Almost all of these are when God is trying to tell us that something ‘bad’ will happen if we do such-and-such. We insist on thinking that ‘God will punish us’ and this seems a complete anomaly when we want to think of a ‘loving’ God. But God is not Energy; She has worked out how it works and uses it all the time, but every time She tries to warn us humans on earth about what it does, we think it’s God Herself doing the punishing, because we think they are the same thing, and they are not.

In fact, Energy is energy, and is not actually concerned about us at all; it’s just ‘there’ and it does its own thing according to itself; just like a horse in the wild. So, notice that God gets to ‘fit in’ with Energy; it is not the other way around. And so do we get to ‘fit in’. What God is trying to tell us is that when we work out how to ‘fit in’ with Energy, we can have a wonderful time. But it can certainly hurt when we fall off, and it can potentially kill us. And we could also notice here, how much we think that Energy should ‘fit in’ with us! And how much we complain about it when it doesn’t!

Everything on Earth is made of Energy, hence everything on Earth is telling you something about this energy. Whether that thing involves one or a few, or lots of facets, it is still telling you. An example here can be the ‘energy’ or qualities of a dog or a cat or a tree, plant, bird and so on. We would naturally describe them all in different terms. But, the terms we use to describe this energy also tell us about who we are.
This turns up in lots of ‘pop’ psychology quizzes, eg. ‘Choose what you like best out of dog, pig, cow, sheep and so on’. So, energy does ‘odd’ things.
Also, many of the Nature-based religions (generally regarded as pagan) use these natural energies of whatever is out there in their environment, as indicators for giving direction and feedback which is in fact extremely useful, and a skill that our marvelous technological society simply cannot comprehend at all. This was something that was far more natural in societies not so long ago.

Well, then, how do we learn to ‘fit in’ with Energy? It’s very strange stuff, but we can get a handle on its structure. It has rules and it provides us with tools which we can learn to use. But, really, a lot of this is about our own attitude to Life. If we can allow life to tell us about Energy, and stop expecting it to fit in with our wonderful selves, that’s a good start.
Something to remember is that how we use energy always has consequences. If we do ‘a’ we’ll get ‘b’. What we don’t know is, when. We like to think that this does not happen, or it goes the way we want it to. Older people have a lot more experience with that one.
First, we will consider some properties.

Nearly 4,000 words.
This is the 2nd part of the Chapter 3 on what we come into.
It deals with some of the Properties of Energy.


Energy has properties and it is useful to have some sort of handle on them, said ‘handle’ being how we observe and name things. The most easily accessible is that energy seems to have 4 directions.
In the Western world we consider energy as having 4 directions, departments, domains, compartments, facets or quadrants, which we label, Emotional, Physical, Mental and Spiritual (PEMS). (Although these are also sometimes listed as PMES.)
In this discussion I will be using the term ‘domain’ most of the time, because ‘directions’ gets confusing.

Notice that the way in which our Psyche/Mind is built has a direct correlation with these 4 domains of Energy. This makes sense to me. The western world has a long history of correlating the 4 domains with the 4 ‘humours’ of personality, and the 4 elements of earth, water, air and fire.
(Someone else can correlate the Eastern world’s 5 elements system, which works very well in its own right. Thus, using the 4 elements system is really just a particular way to cope with energy, but said ‘coping’ can still be very useful.)

The 4 domains are the….
Physical - this is the sensate, or the specific, what we can sense as we see, touch/feel, taste and hear part of the world, for your own body and for the external world. This is symbolized by Earth. (It corresponds with Jung's Sensate function.)
Emotional - this is the emotional, for within own self and externally ie others’. (The word ’Feelings’ includes both sensate and emotional, so that is why it is not used.) We use Water as the symbol for this domain. (This corresponds with Jung's Emotional function.)
Mental - the domain of reason, logic and data; your own and others’. Air is the symbol. (It corresponds with Jung's Thinking function.) and 
Spiritual - the domain of meaning and values; beliefs, intuitions (as in, ‘answers’ or ‘logical leaps’) and motives; your own and others’. It’s the ‘why’ or the ‘about’; the ‘meta’ bit; its concepts are usually abstract. Fire is the symbol for this part of energy. Fire is about inspiration; what ‘fires’ us up. This is the part where we can 'jump' to 'conclusions', and I suspect that the spirit part of us can 'jump up' for these 'answers' that seem to be spread about in space.

‘Spiritual’ is a difficult word to define, and generally unsatisfactorily for most people, but it is usually used to refer to what we believe. The word now tends to be used for someone’s personal belief system (internal ‘Spiritual’), while ‘religion’ is used as the word for the external, social domain. Religion is about the biggest ‘why’.
Restricting the ‘spiritual’ domain to only ‘religion’ narrows it right down, whereas it is actually much larger because it includes the abstract, theoretical, generalizations, intuitions (logical leaps not based on reason), the principles of things, their patterns and connections, as well as metaphor and symbols. If we consider that this domain is generally about the ‘why’ of things, or ‘the bigger picture’, then we could consider this domain to be ‘Inspiritive’ or inspirational because the ‘why’ inspires us.
I suspect that the 'Spiritual' Domain is actually the same as Jung's 'Intuitive' category of personality type. See also MBTI section.
We still need to use the letter ‘S’ here because PEMS is so universally used to denote all 4 energy domains/departments.

Internal plus External. (3Ba)
But, we have these domains internally as well as externally; we are energy too.
So, with 4 domains each from ‘in here’, internally, plus ‘out there’, externally, we have a total of 8 domains to consider, and society regards and thus treats them in very different ways.

The External Domains. (3B1a)
Our Western society can generally understand and measure the physical (P) and mental (M) domains, but has such a hard time measuring the other 2 (Emotional and Spiritual) that it regards them as ‘weak’, unscientific, and basically best left ignored or repressed, especially if negative. They both also take far too much time to deal with, so they are generally regarded as detrimental; people should just be happy, and that’s that.

We have very strange attitudes to what we measure and how we measure it, and generally insist that it be in the physical with a few exceptions including theoretical physics, although there is still a great deal of mathematical logic applicable here.
But, in general, if we can’t measure it, we simply say it is not there, which is strange. We don’t say to ourselves, well, how could we measure this, or what sort of instrument(s) would be required? We simply ditch the whole thing and it just gets sent to the ‘It’s not there’ basket, hence the conclusion that it’s not ‘scientific’ ie, it’s not ‘real’ and only the deluded would think so. (Just exactly what is it that ostriches are supposed to do?) An obvious and common example here is that if something is in-valuable (so much value), we give it a 0 (nought, zero) value.

External Emotions (E) belong to others; we ‘control’ ours, especially we should be able to control our emotions with our minds, or if this fails use these pharmaceuticals, (a physical remedy).
The Inspiritive (S) domain is also generally ignored as irrelevant to most; religions teach what they believe, and many do not agree, but offer no alternative, or are not interested in the ‘why?’ in the first place. Most people consider that our religions do not affect us; you might have noticed by now that I do not agree.

The Internal Domains. (3B1b)
These are different according to the socialization of men and women.
We have the same set of domains available to us internally but, men (and some women) are taught to turn their ‘radio receivers’ off. We forget we’ve done this because we are still transmitting, and so is everyone else, and we are still actually receiving. We have simply turned off the internal connection between reception and registering it.
We are taught to ignore our receiver, ie the vibes we receive through the body; men especially; a major disconnect from Life. This is very much a ‘shooting of the messenger’. We don’t like the bad news, so we stop our ability to receive any news at all! Very useful.

This ‘turning off’ then leaves us without the information from the body which is the feeling part, ie, both the sensing (the ‘gut feelings’ which are the Internal Physical) and the emotional domains, as in, no Internal Physical and no Internal Emotional. Hence the mind ends up with ‘no body’, and nothing will affect us (we think), and nothing will matter to us. This means nothing in life matters to us, and this is a very ‘spirit’ attitude, because for spirit, it doesn’t, and it’s busy teaching ‘detachment’.
As these feelings are cut off, the body becomes treated in a manner similar to a car, as a mechanical device. If anything goes wrong with it, we think we can repress/ignore symptoms, cut or mend or get rid of the offending part if it gets worse, or find a replacement if needed.

This means that the emphasis now falls onto the internal Mental (IM) only, which is supposed to control everything (mind over matter, etc.) and any failures here leave you very much on your own. (Within ‘normal’ society, the ‘Spiritual’/Inspiritive domain does not ‘count’ either internally or externally.) The problem here is that it isn’t ‘all in the mind’, but this strong social ‘truism’ leaves you labeled as ‘out of control’ and ‘weak’ in others’ estimation. It is very difficult not to feel sorry for one’s self if you are unable to ‘control’ your body, but self-pity or even sympathy from others don’t seem to ‘fix’ very much, as far as I can find. Our general psychotherapy (which is the tool we use to ‘help’ those with mental problems) has a large emphasis on re-establishing any sufferer back into ‘the social norm’, so it’s going to be a pity if it’s the ‘norm’ that’s causing the problems in the first place.

The problem with ‘all in the mind’ is a semantic one. Our psyche/mind is receiving data/vibes from inside and outside the body and we use it to think, so there’s a lot in our heads. Thinking is a mental exercise and comparing and contrasting data using logic is regarded as being in the Mental domain. But the Spiritual domain is also received through our mind; it’s a mental process as well, while the feeling processes of sensations and emotions come through the body. Society gives great precedence to the Mental domain, but there’s an awful lot more than that in our heads. When we tell someone that it’s ‘all in the mind’, it’s generally translated as, all you need to do is be logical about this, and think about it properly and you can sort it. But the answer to this is yes, it is all in the mind, but a. You’re not conscious of much of it, and b. It is not simply some mental exercise to ‘see reason’ or be logical and you’re stupid if you can’t work it out, and c. What is there will also be from the other domains as well, which we think don’t count. Thus, it is not just a mental or even conscious exercise. The mind is a lot more than simply the Mental domain.

Women are not quite so pressured to disconnect from their bodies and it’s actually more difficult for them to do so, especially if they wish to relate to others. The hormonal cycles and changes during their life force more focus/attention on the body in the attempt to handle them. The emotional domain is also considered to belong to women only, and naturally it makes them weak, crazy, and stupid. Yes, well, you know what I think. Both sexes are ‘allowed’ to have the internal Mental.
The interesting thing is that women can have access to all the internal domains if they are able to validate their internal physical and emotional feelings, and find a useful belief system as well (internal Spiritual/Inspiritive). This can happen as they take to the world of the esoteric. Most of the systems available in the esoteric are methods of describing the internal vibes/feelings using names/labels that have been developed over a great many years.
Access to all 4 domains internally gives great potential for stability.

Thus, internally and externally we lack many of the domains as we try to understand Life. We are restricted in our ability to use all facets of energy, and therefore we have very few skills at this. Essentially, we are judging some domains as ‘bad’ and others as ‘good’, but this is Energy we are talking about; it’s our ‘ground’ - it’s everything; even God ‘fits in’ with it; so, who do we think we are?
Externally, we exist in the world of the measurable only, which is the Physical sensate (things) and the Mental (logic and data) so that leaves out any inSpiritive (the why) or any Emotional (weak, crazy, stupid, etc.)
Internally, we are left with the world of the mind only which might include the InSpiritive ’intuition’ which belongs to Spirit, and the mental dimension of information, and logic etc. Your mind should be able to control everything about it, and you’re a failure if/when you can’t do that. Thus, internally, we have no body, as in, no sensing or emotions, which leaves us feeling like no-body.

This leaves us about as secure in Life as trying to stand on a table with only 2 legs, or a plant that puts all its growth into one direction because of lack of light from other directions, and is vulnerable to falling over.
Externally there is no height, and internally there is no body = nobody = ghost.

This ‘world view’ of ours leads to a very flat earth indeed, and very ‘cardboard’ people; we have neither depth nor height in most of the domains and it absolutely hamstrings us in terms of sorting out our problems or much less, trying to grow to become a whole person.
Wholeness in energy terms requires using all the domains.

Our assumption here is that if we don’t count it, as in, ignore it, it won’t and doesn’t affect us!! (Once again, can ostriches teach us anything?) How much can we ignore and for how long? And how limited and daft can we get?
When we ignore some of the domains, they don’t go away - they’re still there. We simply remain ‘immature’ and cannot grow or develop, and cannot work out how to do so. We cannot ask the right questions to get us out of this mess. If the questions are incorrect, the answers cannot be correct. This leaves us very insecure in our world and dependent upon appearing to ‘succeed’, which is often only in the short-term.
We need to use all the domains to give us information about ourselves within our ‘energy ground’. This is the only way we can grow properly.

Our failure to understand the Domains includes the consequences of….
·         Leaving us unable to consider that a problem presenting in the physical may be originating from one or more other domain(s).
·         We don’t know how to solve our own problems and hence we remain dependent on others’ answers, ie, society’s ideas about what we should be wanting rather than giving people tools and validation for looking for themself. These ideas tend to be focused on what we worship in life as desirable, and they are actually pretty limited.
·         No rudders to help us look for what we really want, ‘cos we don’t/won’t let ourselves experience disappointment. We’re ‘controlling’ our emotions. Firstly, we’ve ‘shot the messenger’ because we are afraid of Life, and Secondly, we won’t look at and can’t use the information in ‘disappointment’ to tell us what we might have been wanting. (It’s just ‘put it behind you’.)
·         Boredom and dissatisfaction as we stymy or stunt ourselves, and cannot grow.

Notice also that to say ‘I think, therefore I am’, (Descartes) is actually the cry of the someone who does not know if they exist. It could just as easily be, ‘I feel, therefore I am’, or ‘sense’ or ‘intuit’. But all scientists who pride themselves on being ‘scientific’ use this maxim as the be-all and end-all of any life enquiry; just about to everybody’s detriment by giving such precedence to the mental domain. Remember, the crux here is that we are aware of our thinking or sensing or intuiting, as in, there is something in us ‘above’ these things that is doing this 'awareness'.

The body does not really differentiate between the domains/facets, in that physical, mental or emotional abuse are all equally painful for the receiver, with the mental or emotional aspects more difficult to spot, and much harder to measure or calibrate. (This also begs the question of why do we think we need to calibrate these things?)
This is also a warning not to take any domain entirely literally. Many things that may appear to us as being from the external physical only can have an equivalent in the emotional or other domains. See more in the discussion on metaphor below, and under Mirrors.

The PEMS Pyramids and the Growth Diamond. (3B3)
A diagram for the growth of our own sense of self within the world of energy out there, could be shown as a pyramid. The four sides are the 4 domains of energy, and we are at the centre; the line up the middle becoming higher as the pyramid increases in height. This central line of self could be named a shoot (as of a plant).

When something has 4 legs (tables, animals) it has a stability to it. If it is a 4-sided pyramid, it is very stable. Stability implies security.
When we have an upright pyramid over an inverted one, we get a diamond, which we consider a very valuable thing; very bright, hard and ever-lasting.

Diagram 3B.1

This diamond shows us the external domains that we want to grow out or up into, and the internal domains that we need to grow down into (’know thyself’). The inward looking line of self could be named the root. This leads us to the Plant Metaphor.

A plant consists of a root and a shoot. The shoot absorbs sunlight from the sky, and the roots provide security and absorbs nutrients from the earth. As a plant successfully develops its roots as it penetrates the soil, it finds nutrients that can support the shoot which can grow up into the light.
The plant needs to grow straight to be able to reach up properly, and be fed by light from all directions.

When we can't use the internal Domains, we can't put our roots down to any extent; they go in some directions and not others and hence can't find stability. We cannot feed ourselves from all directions within, so cannot develop all our roots to obtain the widest variety of nutrients.  The root system ends up stunted and lopsided, and any gardener knows that this limits the plant.
The shoot tries to grow, but the root system is limited. The upper pyramid of energy is also missing some domains, so any increase in height will jeopardize the stability of the shoot. If it grows too far or too fast in only 1 direction, it will fall over.
Using all 4 domains internally brings us internal stability and ‘nutrients’, while using all 4 domains externally helps us to grow in a stable manner. The plant is able to grow up and ‘flower’ ie, reach its potential, not to mention being better able to endure the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. 

Thus, using this plant metaphor within our world view of the PEMS of Energy …..
Men generally have access to the Internal Mental for their root development, and the External Physical and Mental for their shoot development. This is a bit like a tall tree being planted in a corner between 2 walls which will lead to 1/4 of the root space for exploration, support and 'feeding' as well as having to get away from these walls to get up to the light, as in, unable to grow straight, and the bigger it gets the more likely it is to fall over. While,
Women are not quite so planted in a corner (nor are they allowed to get too big) so they have the potential for a   better root structure, (which men sense and envy) but they tend to have their 'shoots' 'out there' lopped off or cut back unless those shoots are to 'saint' or 'mother'. This can be a tad frustrating for them, leaving them with some difficulty reaching their potential.

I develop these themes further in Part III.
But, to return to PEMS, how do we actually get from one domain to the other?

Metaphors are the bridges that allow us to jump across the domains from one to the other. Interestingly, metaphors and symbols belong in the Spiritual/’inSpiritive/intuitive’ domain, because they can have more than one meaning at a time. It is metaphor and symbols that give us the ‘entree’ into another domain which feels similar to going from 2-D to 3-D; richer, fuller and far more informative, and far more able to see Life as a whole; ‘in the round’ so to speak.

Some examples. (3C1a)
1. A metaphor for someone who drinks a lot or who needs to drink is that this person could be looking for ‘spirit’ in a bottle as the only way they can identify anything/remedy ‘out there’ to dull their emotional and/or mental pain (and alcohol is fairly easy, cheap and socially acceptable). If this metaphor is relevant, it can tell us that the problem lies in having no reason or meaning in their life (the ‘spirit’ual domain). However, the emotional gets mixed in as well, because nothing in life ‘fills them up’. They may also be ‘drowning their sorrows’ which has the implication that their sorrows are ‘drowning’ them. The ‘emotional’ domain being symbolized by water, fluid or liquid.
The message then is, attend to the spiritual dimension and probably the emotional as well; neither the physical, as in, pharmaceuticals, nor the mental, as in, learn to control yourself using logic, is really going to address the problem. Hence the value of the 12-step programs which do acknowledge a ‘higher’ power, as well as giving emotional support to the ‘lost/empty/drowning’.

2. Someone who smokes may be unable to ‘catch fire’, as in, unable to find what sets them alight or gives them the drive or the desire from the heart; they just smolder along. The problem here can be emotional and/or spiritual and may well be both. But the metaphor is a reminder that other dimensions exist and need to be addressed.

3. If someone is having problems with any part of the body, the emotional issues for that part also need to be addressed; in fact all physical problems have some of their roots in the other dimensions. It is terribly simplistic to consider otherwise, and the costs of supporting the walking wounded are becoming increasingly unsustainable.
It is metaphor that tells us in which domain to look. There are quite a few books about such things. They are listed in the chapter on Tools for the Journey.

Our dreams use symbol and metaphor to reach us emotionally and physically, and they can feel very real and very forceful to the recipient, and many of us can accept that, although the general consensus is that they are essentially non-sense. (Another useless general consensus. We have a few of these.)
Many athletes are able to use careful imagination to train themselves in the correct mindset as well as physical training to achieve their goals, as in, they are using the abstract domain to affect the physical.

The use of metaphor is particularly derided as ‘woo-woo’ and ‘New Age’ but we need to understand that this is a problem with our current social beliefs or ‘world view’, not with using metaphor. I consider these social beliefs to be based on spirit’s ideas about Life on Earth. Spirit wants so much to be off-earth and out of all this ‘entrapment’, that its ideas are not useful to us, and actually leave us fairly powerless in facing life. Time for a change.

After all, the part of us that sends us our dreams, to try to tell us what we are doing to ourselves, uses symbols and metaphor and even makes puns at times, which I find amazing.

The real test is that of the words themselves. If they ‘work’ or apply across the domains, then language itself is telling you that you’re on the right track. You may feel uncomfortable about such truth and wish to reject it, but that does not make it incorrect.
In some respects, using metaphor to awaken us to other possibilities in other domains sort of makes it harder to learn how to address our problems, but that’s probably because we have so very little social learning or skills in these areas. We tend to want things simple and easy, but we are built to handle these 4 domains, and we could if we understood them.
However, without understanding this concept of the 4 domains and how to use them, we have a terrible time. This has been the case for quite some time, although we have since developed much psychological understanding, even if we do ignore/waste it.

In Sum.
This UUS uses metaphor constantly as we continue on this discussion; it really is the only way to understand what we do to ourselves.

Now we go on to further properties and some rules. The more we understand them, the more we can use them to our advantage.

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