Part I, Chapter 2. HUMANS;
HOW WE ARE BUILT. (2) Continued
This is another thing that we are equipped with while on earth
whether we want them or not.
Thus, what are the basic emotions?
Well, lots of people have had a go at this, so I can stick my
tuppence-worth in as well.
The ‘Un-Standard’ Ones.
Explore. (2G1)
As in, Panksepp’s SEEK. (See GRANDIN)
This hardly seems an emotion per se; it is much more a
basic drive for all life, but its lack, as in, the inability to do so leads to
the kind of depression that is aligned with feeling trapped. This is apparent
in animals as well as people. Exploration is stimulating and interesting. It is
usually fear that is at the bottom of people feeling trapped. Anger may be expressed
but fear will be there as well.
The emotion that goes with this depression is boredom, (although
boredom doesn’t feel like an emotion) which can be expressed as a
‘dullness’ or alternatively as a looking for stimulation in whatever way in a
multitude of possibilities. This stimulation can lead to overwhelm, but trying
to relieve the overwhelm can lead to exposing the boredom which does not solve
the problem. It is the entrapment/blocking and the underlying fears that have
to be addressed because they’re the things stopping the explore.
Desire. (2G2)
Desire is also difficult to define in terms of whether it is a
drive or emotion, but it certainly seems to be ‘built in’. ‘Desire’ gets mixed
up with ‘want’ and it is ‘want’ that is considered ‘bad’ in some religions. We
absolutely need the drive, but it is the ‘wants’ that gets us into trouble. The
difference between them is that Desire is the internal ‘emotion’, and the Wants
are the names we give to the external things/person/goal. The ‘cure’ for ‘wants’
is not to stop wanting/desiring; it is to identify for yourself what the internal
state would be that you would feel if you had (fulfilled) these
wants. More below in Goal-Setting.
If our desire(s) is/are blocked, we again end up feeling trapped, and
need to back up and enquire as to just what we are desiring and similarly, just
what are we exploring. Many people do not actually know what they really
desire, so they simply follow society’s dictates as to what they should be
Now, to the standard emotions.
I am going to use where we feel these emotions in our body
as part of my definitions.
Fear and Anger. (2G3)
Here we are ready to fight or run; both of these are felt
internally in the same manner; as a tightening in the body, especially the gut.
This is the ’fight or flight’ response, and the heart rate increases, our
breath rate goes up and so on. All the other functions which are apparent when
we feel relaxed and safe, eg, digestion and so on, are ditched under these
situations. One of the more important things that is ditched is our ability to
think. Hence, the more afraid we are, the less we are able to think clearly.
This is a very important point.
Society tends to dictate which of the 2 is more acceptable for the
different genders. Fear is culturally acceptable for women and anger for men.
But, basically, when 1 is there, so is the other, just hidden. They are 2 sides
of the same coin.
Our modern world provides plenty of opportunities for us to
experience lesser versions of these states, which are felt as lesser degrees of
said ‘tightening’. It is this tightening that we dislike when we can’t release
it, ie very unrelaxing.
In this discussion I am using the word 'Fear/s' as a
catch-all for anxiety, worry, afraid, terrified and so on; lots of people like
to think that they don't have fears, only maybe worries or anxious about
something etc, but really, these are fears, and that's how I am using this
Guilt and Shame. (2G4)
These 2 are very difficult to deal with. They are both felt as
twists in the gut which feel horrible enough but can extend to nausea in the
stomach if it’s worse. Extreme shame can leave one feeling actually ‘burnt up’.
Basically, we avoid them like the plague, as in, do anything rather than face
them. They feel disgusting, but they are very important drivers. The more
unconscious we are of them, the more they can drive us on in an obsessive
manner, without our say-so, for better or for worse.
These are the ones we really run from, and they are also
the ones that really hang around.
I am defining Guilt as the feeling that arises from the perception
of having done the ‘wrong’ thing, while Shame arises from the perception of
failing to have done the ‘right’ thing. This begs the question of just what are
the wrong and the right thing, but I address this below in goal-setting, which
see. These definitions are a bit 'spotty' in that they are not that good, but
work in general terms.
Sadness and Joy. (2G5)
These are felt in the heart and of course, both of these are very
Sadness can be felt as a broken heart with a major effect on the
body, while joy can bring great lightness and release from the tension brought
by any of the -’ve emotions.
Love and Hate. (2G6)
Well, we all know what Love is, don’t we? It’s that nice, warm
feeling in the heart when we think of who/what we love, and hate is its
opposite as we shut down our heart and armour it up to wish them ill and/or
gone from us in whatever form.
From this we can see that we are actually wishing the loved one
well, so that they are able to continue to be in our lives. (I will continue to
use only the word ‘people/person’ in this discussion, but things are also
relevant; and they are also attachments.)
Thus, so far, love is a warmth in the heart, which feels nice;
delightful, in fact, plus a desire for more of this ‘nice’ in the future.
We want to spend Time with this person because it feels good.
We want to know more about them and who they are, as in, we are
Interested in them.
We want to make sure we’ve got this person in our future, so we
look to keep them or Sustain them and Protect them, so they stay around and we
can be with them.
Hence, we want to give them Time, Interest, Sustain and Protect -
TISP. (2H)
Definitions and Use.
‘Keeping’ involves feeding them, nurturing, and generally
sustaining and protecting them as required at whatever level is needed PEMS.
How much we do this as physical effort and for how long depends on who is
receiving this love. For those closest to us, especially children, there will
be the greatest amount of effort involved.
Hence, we could use Time, Interest, Sustain and Protect (TISP) as
an abbreviation for what we want to do to promote and maintain, our own
internal feeling of Desire and Delight (D&D) which we label Love.
Thus, I would argue that Love includes Action/do/give. We can feel
love which is nice enough for us as the feeler, but it also needs to engender
an Action ie TISP, that we will desire to do.
Thus, my definition of Love is…
We will Desire and Delight (= Love as our own feeling) to give
our TISP (= Love as action) to ‘the other’.
We want to Love Loving. This is why I feel that Desire is
This definition of Love=TISP becomes quite useful if you are an
adult child trying to work out if your parent(s) loved you. (But, of course,
all parents love their children!) The questions can then be; ‘How much Time,
Interest, Sustain and Protect were rockin’ around the household when you were
What happens when both parents have to work to support an enormous
mortgage? How much Time do the children actually get? (Nor am I sure that labeling it ‘quality time’ will impress the children receiving it.) Not to
mention Interest if both parents’ attention is with their work.
If your father roared at you, how protected did you feel? Were
there any concessions to your smallness?, and so on.
Other useful questions would be how much TISP do you yourself
actually give and to whom?
The whole point about TISP is that it is required for the growth
of life. Children and animals grow when they are loved and have a more
difficult time when bits of TISP are missing.
Thus, Love as TISP is needed for growth and Life; it is
required for Life. I wish to be very clear indeed about this. All Life
needs TISP. God uses TISP to create Life. When bits of TISP are missing, things
go wonky, and cannot grow properly. As TISP disappears, so does Life. I
consider that our great advanced technological society has rather a large
problem with TISP at the moment.
Notice also that TISP is an action, and action requires
Effort. Words alone do not ‘cut it’; we know deep down when we don’t get enough
TISP, and it makes us cross, even when it’s so deep that we don’t know
consciously what’s going on.
We get our definitions of love from our families and some of these
‘definitions’ are absolutely not love. Yes, it may be ‘love’ according
to the family, but really what you are getting is ‘what they know of
love’ and that may not be very much. But we may not know this until we can
access our own anger at the lack of real love that we have received. We cope
with this lack of love by disconnecting from our bodies, but our body knows
what’s right for us, and sometimes the amount of anger and the lack of real
love can surprise us greatly (because the body’s awareness is unconscious).
This is why I have been very careful about defining Love as TISP.
Lots of people think they give and get love but it may have little relationship
with TISP.
One of the trickier sorts of ‘love’ could be called ‘lerv’, which
I could define as the glitter and illusion of love. But its giveaway is that it
just does not feed or satisfy us. We keep thinking that this is love, while
becoming increasingly desperate for more from others, or give up (and
get very cross about its lack). Giving TISP to our InSelf does leave us
feeling fed and satisfied. Yes, we want more, but we are actually growing in
our receiving of it, and it is nourishing us. It also builds our
Self-sufficiency. Hence I recommend finding out how to do it.
Giving TISP to the InSelf/’Other’. (2H1)
Giving TISP to the Other will give Life and Love to the ‘other’, but
‘the other’ can be in here or out there.
Jesus’ commandment is ‘Love thy neighbour AS thyself, which means
‘thyself’ first. But we have a tonne of problems with people who ‘love
themselves’. We also have the Christian ideal of giving to ‘the other’.
The problem is in our vocabulary and the words we use for our
concepts. We simply do not understand that we have an ‘other’ internally. We
don’t know that there is an 'other' inside us. It is unconscious; we don’t know
it, and it seems un-real to us; we cannot ‘real-ize’ it. We only know our
outself, which is the part of us that we are conscious of, and we think of that
as our ‘self’.
As we try to translate the ‘love thyself’ bit, we come up against
giving love to the outself, and the problem of being ‘self-ish’, and of people
who consider no-one other than themselves. But this is not loving ‘the
other’. We know that bit, but we don’t know about that ‘other’ inside us, much
less how to give TISP to it, but we need to learn how to if we want to get to
Creativity. Others have worked it out, so how can we get there?
In all of this, our current words/terms we have for these concepts
are not useful to us because they don’t and can’t help us work out what is
needed or how to do it. Hence the need for specific terms to help us untangle
these concepts.
Giving TISP to the InSelf has to come first, and the external
other will follow naturally. This is what Jesus was talking about. But, on the
whole, we get to learn the hard way what happens when we don’t. However, for
those who have children and desire and delight in them, your children will help
you, because they are part of you. After all, your InSelf is also your ‘child
Serve. (2H2)
Notice also that Giving TISP is a submission, and a service. You
are Serving Life.
To Serve Life means using your skills and attributes to ascertain
and meet the needs of a new, or young or small organism in order to nurture it
in a manner that maximizes its own potential and thus grow to serve others in
its own right. You are giving TISP to do this. Thus, I include Protect in
this definition.
True Service requires a kind of Submission on your part to the
needs of another organism that is dependent upon your care. It is not a
‘beneath’ (and if it feels like a ‘beneath’ something is wrong); it is an
understanding that the seed requires your ‘keeping’ to be able to grow. True
Service will absorb you and delight you, but is not necessarily always easy or
playful. Finding what delights you to submit to and serve is a large reason to
Explore and Desire.
Notice that as we Serve our children or Life or our creations, we
are actually serving ourselves, and difficult as the
process may be, it also provides de-light, fulfillment, and TSE and can be the
ultimate selfishness really.
In fact you are using your outself to give energy to the InSelf;
the energy is flowing from the outself to ‘the other’, which is the correct
direction for the giving of Life. Thus this is a ‘self-less-ness’ on your part
for your own sake. Ideally you will forget about your ‘self’(outself) as you do
so, and you will become far less self-conscious as well. Animals do this in
spades, and so do small children (up to about 7 y.o.). This is an attribute
which is very attractive to others. It is also part of being ‘child-like’. The
opposite of this is ‘child-ish’ which is where our outself is forever wanting
energy from ‘out there’, so cannot forget itself. It’s a kind of ‘sucking’ as
the opposite to ‘serving’; the energy is flowing the wrong way.
Till and Keep. (2H3)
This is God’s directive to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. So
what then do we think these might be?
To Till is ‘to turn the sod/earth’. There’s no way around the fact
that this requires effort. Our Life in the physical world requires effort.
To Keep is to help Life to continue to continue. This requires
Sustaining and Protecting Life and my argument is that this includes all
Life. This does not mean exploit it to hell for whatever until it dies or wears
out. Learning how to Till and Keep requires Time and Interest in so doing,
which is for our ultimate benefit, and our children’s; hence ‘sustainability’.
Thus, we need TISP to Keep, and Effort to Till.
My suspicion is that Till and Keep = Serve, and my observation
would be that we don’t like it very much. We would much rather be served by
others than serve them.
Love as a part of the greater Energy. (2H4)
Love is an energy which we can feel with our bodies.
What then is this energy? It leads to life, creativity, growth,
joy, truth, coherence, cohesion, integration, building up, wellness, glow,
beauty and so on. Notice that giving it is good for both the giver and the
What then is its opposite and what to name it? Un-love? Hate?
It leads to chaos, disintegration, tearing down, pain, sickness, suffering,
lies, greyness, destruction, ruin, feeling like a ghost, and so on; all of
which seem to me to be the attributes of war and the ultimate in Un-love.
(‘Live’ spelt backwards is ‘evil’.)
Thus, the logic goes that Love leads to Life and Un-Love leads to
Then the actual energy continuum stretches from Love to non-Love
to Un-Love, with an enormous range of possibilities between them, and life must
encompass all of it.
And if…
God is Mind Exploring Energy. (As are we). (2H5)
God has worked out how this energy works ie, its rules. The
making/manifestation of Life requires giving Love/TISP. This is what God
understands and uses all the time. But, in under-standing this, God is actually
subservient to the rules of this energy. It’s the energy that is coming
first and God has worked out how to have the best time with this energy and
experience, feeling ‘love-ly’ all the time. This is what we are looking for
because we want to do that too.
So, this subservience looks like ‘being under’ but, that’s irrelevant
if you love it, and this is really the answer to what or which comes first. We
have such trouble with God having to be all-powerful, but this is not the kind
of ‘power’ as we think of it that God has. I will deal with power issues in
Part 2.
The crux of this is then...
God loves creating Life and loves Her creations.
Notice that God does actually Love here. God is not just some vast
mental Spirit ‘out there’. She is not Split. She has invested TISP in our
welfare, and still does so even if we are not aware of it. There has been a
great deal of thought and awareness put into this business of creating Life on
Life is there to Serve us. God is delighted in us and in
everything that we do, because She learns about Herself as we Explore. We are
part of Her. She does not need anything from us. She knows from the rules of
energy that we will ‘get there in the end’ because She did, and there is
no end. The ‘getting it’ is realizing how to get to love Self, ie all of
yourself. And that is a big search.
We want to do the same.
We want to find out how..
To ’Know thyself’, and
really I’m talking about the InSelf which = GLS ,
Which leads to Loving
InSelf = Loving ‘the other’ (the person you don’t know),
Which leads to Merge =
Partnership with God,
Which leads to Owning
InSelf = Self Expression; our Heart’s Song.
Which leads to conscious
Creation from the heart ,
Which leads to ‘feeding’
the growth of ‘the other’ and yourself,
Which leads to true
self-esteem (TSE) and fulfillment and peace and rest; we ‘rest in peace’ ie,
RIP while very much alive. See more in Part II, Desires.
So then you can do more….
Because there is great Desire and Delight in so doing.
Creativity, Fulfillment and TSE. (2H6)
Creativity, fulfillment and TSE are all related.
The Creativity that comes from the Heart is the result of the
Inner Merge of outself and InSelf. It is the Expression of Self. [“In the
beginning was the word”; but I wonder if this is a mis-translation of ‘in the
beginning was expression’.] Remember, Explore is first, Expression is
close behind as a major drive for us. We are God’s Expression of Her
Self as is all Life.
This is our great Search, as in, this is what we are searching
for in life; our own unique Expression of Self. It is why we have life, and
being incarnate on earth is the only way we can find it. Soul and spirit are
only together while we are here.
We have the opportunity for great fulfillment when we are able to
have children, but I am trying to say that having children is not the only way
to find fulfillment or the only reason for our existence. The Inner Merge will
provide it as well.
Our failure to find this unique Expression of Self leads to an
inner feeling of shame, frustration or disappointment which we may try to bury
a long way down and look for other things in life to be proud of or ‘pride
ourselves’ about, but the hole is still there, and we try to fill it with
whatever we can find. Feelings of jealousy or envy are an indicator of this
‘hole’. Remember, this stuff is unconscious, and as such, is terribly hard to
get a handle on, or to name it. But, it is still there, even if we don’t know
it, and however far down it is, we keep searching for full-fill-ment. We don’t
feel ‘filled’ or ‘fed’ emotionally, and that’s the problem; we’re ‘hungry’
and the answer is not the physical act of eating. We search all the time and
can find no rest and no peace. Thus I am saying that finding and owning our
individual and unique Expression of Self is what leads us to fulfillment and
rest and peace.
It is also true that Life absolutely wants this Expression of
The necessity and importance of Self Expression is what I think
that the 70th maxim in Thomas’ ‘Sayings of Jesus’ is actually saying. It goes,
#70. Jesus said, "If you bring forth what is within you, what you have
will save you. If you do not have that within you, what you do not have within
you [will] kill you."
I would add to the second sentence, ‘If you do not have that
[from] within you, what you do not have [from] within you will destroy you’.
Here I use ‘have’ as having it outside you in the physical, hence
I read this maxim as ‘what is ‘within’ you must be able to ‘get out’ of you,
'or else’. I have also seen another interpretation of the 2nd sentence shown as
‘if you are ‘producing’ something that is not from within, what
you produce may kill you'.
This is not an ‘easy’ saying, as is true of many of Jesus’
‘sayings’ in Thomas. [FOOTNOTE? The first saying above is the Patterson and
Meyer translation while the Patterson and Robinson translation is much harder
to fathom. Other translations all have similar difficulties with the 2nd
sentence. [See the Gnostic Society Library]]
This fulfillment from ‘getting it outside from within you so that
you can have it’ is what I refer to as true self-esteem (TSE); it could also be
called True Self Expression.
Notice also the similarity between finding peace and rest and our
RIP of death. We are prone to think that the only way to find rest and peace is
in death, but if we can find it while we are alive, that could feel very good.
It’s as if you have an instrument about which you know almost
nothing. You get to work out what it is, and what it does and doesn’t
do. Then you get to work out how to play it and practise using it (not all of
us are good at this). Then you get to work out what music you want to play.
Then you get to work out who you want to play it with. And then you get to be
part of this great musical event; a wonderful symphony which you will love.
But, it’s also true that it’s up to you. And it is also true that every single
person has their own unique ‘voice’/instrument.
Our Creativity is very important to us.
It is heartfelt; we are
passionate about it. The heart centre is the point where our upper half meets
our lower half.
We need to say it
(express it) and we want to say it. (Doing so may not necessarily be easy or
straightforward, however.) This expression is where our ‘needs’ and our ‘wants’
come together, which is also part of God’s Design. What we need to do and what
we truly want to do are in fact exactly the same; fancy that! Thus, the
advice for looking for what you truly and most ‘heart-felt-ly’ wish to do is
good advice. Look for Desire and Delight.
You will feel as if you
have ‘come home’ when you do it.
You will ‘grow’ in this, as
will others, because it supports life; there is love here, and
As you ‘grow’ you will
change; your Expression changes you as you grow into further expression.
And this does not stop. You will not find the end of it. Neither
has God.
Plain Old ‘Self Expression’. (2H7)
We are in fact kind of aware that ‘self-expression’ is important,
as is ‘having a voice’ although I wonder how much all of this is about
unconsciously feeling as if we have neither voice nor expression in this day
and age (see next chapter). Thus we think that if we voice our opinions we are
expressing ourselves, but what we are expressing is our outself, which is not
our Self at all, or only a very small part. We hope that if we express this
stuff, we may be able to stop the ‘racket’ in our head of all our unexpressed
‘stuff’, but it doesn’t, and we get no peace. It simply adds to the gossip,
opinion, Facebook, twitter, sports talk, (’feed them bread and circuses’) and
immense media ‘noise’ overwhelm. We don’t grow; it’s just ‘racket’ and it sends
us deaf to our InSelf and ‘the other’.
What happens when our mind is disconnected from our body? (2H8)
Our emotions are our rudders in life. They are there for us to
steer toward what gives the body pleasure and/or what warms the heart, while
steering away from those things that tighten the body and reduce its pleasure
and satisfaction. If there is disconnection from the body’s sensations and
emotions, we may be able to disconnect from the unpleasant aspects, but will
also be disconnected from the good things that make us human and able to steer
successfully in life. Since society considers that being disconnected from our
body is generally a good thing to be, especially for men, we get into a lot of
trouble, which see below.
What happens when we don’t heal the internal split? The answer is
normal human life; good, bad and indifferent and wondering if there is any
point to it all.
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